Governor Fayose’s Reckless Opposition, By Barr. Okoi Obono-Obla | News Proof



Governor Fayose’s Reckless Opposition, By Barr. Okoi Obono-Obla

I had thought with the end of the last electioneering campaign and the decisive victory of President Muhammadu Buhari and his eventual inauguration on the 29th May, 2015, into office, those with Buhari-phobia such as the Governor of Ekiti State, Ayo Fayose, would declare a cease-fire on their vociferous and scare mongering propaganda and hate speech, calculated to demonise the President!
But from all indications the likes of Governor Fayose are not done yet! I am therefore not a bit surprised at the antics of Governor Fayose recently when he tried to whip up religious sentiments and generate fear among Nigerians when he thoughtlessly suggested President Buhari's trip to Saudi Arabia and other countries in the Middle East part is a fulfillment of his agenda to Islamise Nigeria!
It is surprising and curious that such a pernicious, reckless, infantile and indeed inflammatory statement calculated to stir up passion and cause disaffection among the people of Nigeria would come from the mouth of the Governor of a State of the Federation in the guise of opposing the Federal Government!
Undoubtedly, Governor Fayose, is part of the decadent and reactionary wing of the Nigeria bourgeoisie class that have always used the ethnic and religious cards to divert and distract ordinary Nigerians to see themselves as perpetual enemies while they help themselves to the resources of the country.
Otherwise, how would a business and private religious trip by President Buhari Islamise Nigeria? Is President Buhari the first Nigerian President to visit the Holy Land on religious pilgrimage? The answer to the question is certainly in the negative.
Did former President Jonathan not visit Jerusalem on pilgrimage with a large entourage and with pomp and fanfare in 2014? Why didn’t Governor Fayose tell us that former President Jonathan wants to Christianise Nigeria!
Surely, the likes of Governor Fayose are full of deceit even though their attempt to use ethnicity and religious differences to continue to divide and rule Nigeria has definitely failed and would continued to fail.
The immutable and fundamental truth is that Nigeria is a secular country and it is absolutely impossible for anybody to Islamise or Christianise the country. It is incontrovertible fact that President Muhammadu Buhari has no modicum of power to Islamise the country.
This is because by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999, (as amended) for anybody to change the secular status of the country, two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Senate and the House of Representatives must vote in support of such proposal. Additionally, 24 States of the Federation of Nigeria must vote in support of such proposal.
The likes of Governor Fayose must desist from using the religious card to deceive Nigerians. Enough is enough. Governor Fayose is entitled to oppose the administration of President Buhari, but he must do with finesse, responsibility, be truthful about his opposition and be constructive at all times. That is the least expectation of Nigerians from a State Governor! When he speaks, Nigerians should reckon with such speech!
Okoi Obono-Obla

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