Saraki, Ekweremadu Alleged Forgery Case: Judge Withdraws; You'll Be Shocked Why | News Proof



Saraki, Ekweremadu Alleged Forgery Case: Judge Withdraws; You'll Be Shocked Why

Justice Adeniyi Ademola of the Federal High Court Abuja yesterday withdrew from adjudicating in a legal action instituted by five Senators, challenging the election of Senators Bukola Saraki and Ike Ekweremadu as Senate President and Deputy Senate President respectively.
The case was withdrawn from Justice Ademola by the Chief Judge of the Federal High Court, Justice Ibrahim Ndahi Auta following a petition from Ekweremadu against Justice Ademola.
In his place, the Chief Judge has appointed Justice Steven Evoh Chukwu, also of the Federal High Court Abuja, who would be entertaining the case afresh.
Ekweremadu had petitioned Justice Ademola on the ground that he may not receive justice from him considering his relationship with power bloc in Lagos who he claimed, are deeply interested outsiders in the case.
In the petition to the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Mahmood Mohammed, Senator Ekweremadu noted that the wife of Justice Ademola, Mrs. Tolulope was hurriedly appointed the Head of Service by Lagos State Government as part of alleged measure to make Justice Ademola compromise in the case before him.
The Deputy Senate President also maintained that the external influence from Lagos would rob him of justice if Justice Ademola was allowed to make pronouncement in the matter. He thereby demanded that the CJN disqualifies Justice Ademola from going ahead with the case.
Although the case has been slated for judgment, the Chief Judge of the Federal High Court was said to have withdrawn the case from Justice Ademola.

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