Seize My Properties If I Couldn't Bring The D dollar to N200 in 1 month, Ifeanyi Ubah Tell FG, But On 1 Condition | News Proof



Seize My Properties If I Couldn't Bring The D dollar to N200 in 1 month, Ifeanyi Ubah Tell FG, But On 1 Condition

The Authority Newspaper - The Chairman of Capital Oil and Gas Services Ltd. and the Publisher of The AU­THORITY newspapers, Dr. Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah, has advised the Federal Government to consult some Nigerians who can halt the free fall of the Naira which is affecting the na­tion’s economy.
He said that if the Federal Gov­ernment consults him, he could re­store the nation’s currency to an ex­change rate of N200 to one US Dollar within one month – thereby arresting the slide in the Naira which is virtu­ally crippling the economy. The Nai­ra currently exchanges at N385 to the US dollar.
Chief Ubah, who was speak­ing on a Channels Television poli­tics programme, did not say how he was going to bring the Naira down to an exchange rate of 200 per dol­lar – but said the government could seize everything he owns if he failed to do this within one month, if given the mandate.
Chief Ubah also affirmed that he was not involved in any way what­soever in the $2.3 billion Dasuki­gate arms deal that involved the for­mer National Security Adviser, Col Sambo Dasuki. He said he was not in­volved in the politics of contracts and has never done any government con­tracts, whether at the Federal, state or local government levels.
“I am highly misunderstood, sometimes controversial. But I have never done any government contracts. I did not collect any money from Gov­ernment; I do not have an oil block – and I have not asked for one.”
He said following the controver­sies trailing the ‘Dasukigate’, it has be­come necessary for him to extricate himself from allegations that himself and the non-governmental organisa­tion, Transformation Ambassadors of Nigeria (TAN), were in anyway in­volved in the sharing of the arms deal money.
The arms deal is the albatross of the former National Security Adviser, NSA, Col. Sambo Dasuki and many others close to the administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan.
He said the TAN, was not a polit­ical organisation, even though it cam­paigned for the re-election of the for­mer President, a development which he said was based on its belief in pro­moting a better Nigeria and sustain­ing her unity.
“I did not know Dasuki. TAN nev­er received money from Dasuki or the People’s Democratic Party. We did what we did in the interest of the na­tion and for posterity.”
“I’m a politician with a mind-set of making life worth living for the people, when issues seem to be getting out of hand. So TAN has no hand in whatever that has to do with the arms deal fund”.
Expressing disgust with what is being unravelled in the ‘Dasukigate’, Ubah said that it was a disgrace in which everyone involved must be ad­equately investigated and punished, to serve as deterrent to others. He urged former President Jonathan to speak up on the arms deal scandal in order to shed more light on what really hap­pened over the arms deal.
He advised that owing to the grav­ity of the allegations and revelations emerging from the probe of Dasuki­gate, it is high time Jonathan breaks his silence and set the records straight.

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