Sen. Ben Murray Bruce And His Common Sense Revolution: Matter Arising, By Terfa Naswem | News Proof



Sen. Ben Murray Bruce And His Common Sense Revolution: Matter Arising, By Terfa Naswem

When I began watching the mock-up jingles of Sen. Ben Bruce on Silverbird Television regarding his commonsense campaign, I doubted the tendency of Bruce floating on his words. As a “Commonsense General” he is supposed to lead the commonsense revolution with potent example from him for Nigerian to emulate.
Sen. Bruce who has been campaigning for Nigerians to buy Made-in-Nigeria items wrote a book titled: A Commonsense Revolution and the book was published in the United States.
I have just three questions for Sen. Ben Bruce:
1. Are there no printing and publishing companies in Nigeria?
2. As a commonsense general, why didn’t you make a way no matter what it takes for your book to be printed and published in Nigeria even if there were no printing and publishing companies in Nigeria?
3. How do you want your commonsense revolution to make the desired impact when you have already begun with a defective example by printing your book in the US?
If Sen. Bruce’s commonsense revolution must make potent impact on Nigerians, he must begin by patronizing made in Nigeria products. His suits, cloths, shoes, and many others should be the ones produced in Nigeria except for items that are not produced in Nigeria such as Television, Radio, cars and so on.
The commonsense general should not provoke Nigerians further.

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