REVEALED: Photo of Tricycle Rider Who Abducted 14yrs Old Ese Oruru From Bayelsa To Kano | News Proof

REVEALED: Photo of Tricycle Rider Who Abducted 14yrs Old Ese Oruru From Bayelsa To Kano

Though not so clear, a photo of Ese Oruru's abductor, simply known as Yinusa has surfaced online.

Media reports further suggested that the 14-year old Ese Oruru and her abductor, Yinusa, have been taken to Abuja to meet with the Inspector General of Police who will finally present the young girl to her parents.

Ese was abducted in August 2015 by one Yinusa, aka Yellow, who was a customer of her mother, Mrs. Rose Oruru, a food vendor in Yenagoa, the Bayelsa state capital. As at the time of kidnap, Ese was 13 and she clocked 14 on February 22


  1. The girl is very small to know what love is, her comments and pronounce shows how careless the parents were, this is what some parents get when they train their children to be wayward.

  2. The girl is very small to know what love is, her comments and pronounce shows how careless the parents were, this is what some parents get when they train their children to be wayward.



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