The Vindictiveness of the Government of Cross River State knows no Bound, By Obono-Obla | News Proof



The Vindictiveness of the Government of Cross River State knows no Bound, By Obono-Obla

The judiciary has proven to be the bulk wart against the depotism,oppression and tyranny  and injustice in Cross River State! God bless the Honourable Justice Obojor Ogar of the High Court of Cross River State for exercising his discretionary power to order the Chief Magistrate's Court, Calabar to suspend the purported trial of the indefatigable Barrister Venatius Ikem on a trumped charge! 

 You can imagine a situation where power is concentrated in the hands of one single individual, how people who disagree with the powers that be would have been mercilessly dealt with! The government of Cross River State is becoming increasingly paranoid, petty,  tyrannical and intolerant of any form of dissent and oppression! 

Even when the trumped and contrived charge against Barrister Vena Ikem was pending in the Chief Magistrate's Court, the government lodged a spurious complaint of attempted murder and stealing of government property against him; and compromised the Cross River Police Command which threw professionalism and decency to the winds by rushing to the press to declare Barrister Ikem wanted just to destroy his reputation and standing and portrayed him as a criminal! 

You can imagine how wicked, asinine and mean the government of Cross River State under Ayade has become ! 

You can imagine the pettiness and immaturity shown when some simple tons working in the officialdom decided to post some meaningless writings and mumbo jumbo castigating and insulting  my person just because I was a guest of the African Independent Television,AIT on Thursday the 4th March 2016 to talk about political development in Cross River State .

 Not yet done, the increasingly paranoid and vindictive government of Cross River State went to shameless and ridiculous level of sacking my brother, Obono Ofem Obono ( a member of the PDP)  working with an agency (Cross River State Waste Management Board) of the government of Cross River State just to get at me! Is Governor Ayade suggesting that because I am his critic , members of my family belonging to his Party who contributed to his victory should not survive? What low thinking ! Even if I committed a crime against the government of Cross River State how is my brother to be punished for my own sin? Is there vacarious resposibility in criminal law ? 

The answer is in the negative .  It is a shame that we have just a juvenile, infantile and vindictive government in the State! The Government of Cross River State ought to know by now, that no act of vindictiveness,oppression , blackmail and chatacter assassination would break the resolve of the  opposition in the State .
Okoi Obono-Obla

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