EXPOSED Saraki Allegedly Woos Colleagues With N35m Car Gift Each To Help Repeal Laws That Indicts Him | News Proof

EXPOSED Saraki Allegedly Woos Colleagues With N35m Car Gift Each To Help Repeal Laws That Indicts Him

EXPOSED Saraki Allegedly Woos Colleagues With  N35m Car Gift Each To Help Repeal Laws That Indicts Him
In another desperate attempt to evade justice, Senate President Bukola Saraki convened a meeting last night in his home with "likeminded" Senators during which they agreed to go after two of the major laws that have ensnared him

As a result, following resumption from the Senate’s long recess today, the Senators went into a private plenary session, and two bills were promptly listed on the Senate Order Paper, seeking amendments to the Nigerian Constitution. 

The bills, which have now already undergone First Reading, are:

The Code of Conduct Act CAP C15 LFN 2004 (Amendment) Bill, 2016 (SB 248), nominally sponsored by Peoples Democratic Party Senator Peter Nwaboshi (Delta North); and

The Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015 (Amendment) Bill 2016 (SB 249), sponsored by Senator Isah Misau representing Bauchi Central.

The invitation to last night’s meeting in Saraki’s home was sent by former “anti-corruption” crusader Dino Melaye, using the mobile telephone number of Peter Makanjuola (0803 390 3330). 

Makanjuola is Saraki's Deputy Chief of Staff.  The strategy seemed to have been to send the invitation using that phone to avoid detection.

EXPOSED Saraki Allegedly Woos Colleagues With  N35m Car Gift Each To Help Repeal Laws That Indicts Him

One Senator, who attended the meeting, said that when concern was expressed that President Muhammad Buhari would veto the bill, Saraki told them he had enough support in the Senate and the House of Representatives to override such a veto.

During the meeting at Saraki’s home, he took the opportunity to announce to members of his core support group that he has ordered the purchase of Toyota Landcruiser V8 engine Sport Utility vehicles to be given to each Senator.   

The Senate President is hoping that greed will override common sense and that with each Senator getting a car, his support base would be solidified.

Our Senate source noted that 36 cars have already been purchased, each one costing N35 million each.

36 2016 Toyota Landcruiser V8 engine SUV purchased and given to Senators
36 2016 Toyota Landcruiser V8 engine SUV purchased and given to Senators

Order paper listing the bill sponsored to amend the CCT and ACJA laws under which Saraki is being tried
Order paper listing the bill sponsored to amend the CCT and ACJA laws under which Saraki is being tried


  1. Kai ! This saraki of a man , is the dangerous VIRUS NASS of Nigeria has ever seen!

  2. Senators now collect bribe in a "common sense" situation, as if they never went to school?

  3. another way of collecting bribe, Please NewsPunch publish their names for us, 2019 is another time to show up.

  4. Saraki and his cohorts are still living in stone age as far as the current trend of socio-political/economic chemistry of Nigeria is concern.
    Saraki is trying to dare Nigerians like he did to his,the nemesis of which is catching up with him.
    Nigerians are watching. It is no longer business as usual.
    Ali Wakili.



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