I Belong To Ogboni Confraternity - Lagos Pastor Confesses, Says Churches With Mammoth Crowd Belong Too
News Proof 22.4.16 30 comments Edit Post
For many Christians, Ogboni society is not only regarded as a secret cult but also treated as an abomination that must not be identified with. A senior member of the Christendom however feels otherwise and in fact made a shocking revelation that will leave many gasping for breath.
For over four decades, 65-year-old Pastor Solomon Oladimeji has been a shepherd in the vineyard. Apart from being the founder of Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Orisun-Ayo, with branches at Alapere, Ketu, and Odogunyan in Ikorodu area of Lagos, Prophet Oladimeji reveals that he is also a top member of the Ogboni fraternity. He belongs to Saala Ogboni Fellowship of Nigeria (SOFN) – within the fraternity – where he occupies the position of Oluwo and the third in command to the overall head of the fraternity.
“I am not ashamed to confess my membership of the fraternity. I’m proud to be Ogboni member. In actual fact, being an Ogboni leader has made me not only a good disciple of Jesus Christ, but it has also gone a long way to make me a better citizen.”
He proudly told Sun’s Tunde Thomas in an interview in which he talked about his relationship with the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, members of his congregation, Ogboni and the Scripture among a host of others. Apart from Oladimeji, another cleric who has also founded several churches, Prophetess Eritosin and the paramount head of Saala Ogboni, Olamilekan Ifayemi also opened up on their relationship with Christendom. Below are excerpts:
When did you become a member of the Ogboni, and what were the circumstances that prompted you to be a member?
Although, my journey as shepherd for Jesus Christ’s flock is over 40 years, I became a member of the Ogboni society over 20 years ago. Initially, I was initiated into the Aborigine Ogboni fraternity, that is the one they call Ogboni Ibile, but later I joined Saala Ogboni fraternity, and since I made that decision, I have no regret.
As a member of Ogboni fraternity, my life is having a meaning. I have prospered. My coast has been enlarged. Members of my congregation are increasing everyday. I also thank God that due to my diligence as a committed member, I have been able to rise to the enviable position of Oluwo within the Ogboni fraternity.
Are your members, that is members of your church aware that you belong to Ogboni fraternity?
What is there to be hidden? I am not ashamed of my association with Ogboni Society, and I don’t hide it from members of my church. They all know that I’m a leader in the Ogboni group. When you even come to my house, I openly display my regalia as Ogboni chief. Let me quickly tell you this, by making my members know that I’m Ogboni member, it makes me popular among them. They describe me as an open and honest person. For that, many of them have been voluntarily coming to me pleading to be initiated as a member of Ogboni fraternity.
Some people would think that you use charms on them?
Why should I use charm on them or to charm them as some people will say? God forbid. I’m a child of light; darkness or anything evil has no place in my life or church. Your member will like you, when they know that the power you are using to solve their problems is power from Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour. I have never committed evil in my life and I will never do so till the day my Lord calls me home.
Are you saying that charm doesn’t exist?
No. I’m not saying so. Charms do exist, but it depends on how you use it. I used herbs and leaves combined with other items to prepare soap, anointing oil for members and other people that are having spiritual problems.
It is unfortunate that today a lot of Christians are suffering out of ignorance. You see some saying it is what my pastor or what my prophet tells me I believe. I will never use any soap, cream, oil by just any minister of God, but only if those members know what those pastors are doing.
Some of these pastors and prophets come to people like me to acquire power to perform miracle and wonders. Some of them are even Ogboni members like me. But they are hypocrites. I will never deny somebody who is my benefactor, and that is why you see me wearing and displaying beads and other items being used by Ogboni fraternity. To me, what matters again is saving life, and it doesn’t matter where you get saved whether it is in the house of babalawo or any juju priest. We are all calling on the name of the same God.
In my neighbourhood, both at Alapere and Odogunyan, many residents know me both as a cleric and Ogboni leader. In fact, Baale of Odogunyan, that is the community leader, knows me as the Oluwo of Saala Ogboni. I’m highly respected in the community. I joined the Ogboni fraternity because I like their ways of life. They are decent people. Contrary to misconception some people have about Ogboni, that we are evil people. Far from it, rather I will say that Ogboni members are not only children of Light, but we are also messengers of the Most High God because, we don’t kill but only save lives.
But some people believe Ogboni is evil, and that it is an evil association condemned by the Bible.
Those who say so are ignorant. They have been brainwashed by our colonial masters. But thank God, we are now in a different era, and we can all be reading the Bible without relying or depending on what the imperialist swould want us to believe in order to suit their own purpose. Some will tell you that Ogboni is evil because they use juju, they still carry out sacrifices of various forms by shedding blood of animals, and birds. Some even out of ignorance say we eat human flesh. Rubbish. May Almighty God forgive our traducers.
If you are talking about sacrifice, where did the Bible condemn sacrifice? Let our accusers point it out either in the old or the New Testament. Throughout my years at the seminary and the Bible school, I never come across such.
Then the sacrifice you are talking about, on several occasion especially in the Old Testament, sacrifices were carried out to atone for the sins of the Israelites.
It was also often carried out when the children of Israel were looking for one favour or another.
But coming down to the New Testament, don’t mind those confusionists who say that Jesus Christ, my own Lord and Saviour condemns sacrifice, what a big lie. If you can still remember when Jesus Christ himself was born the day His parents Joseph and Mary were taking Him to the Synagogue, Joseph has to sacrifice doves, and pigeon. He took the birds to the church. You can read in the book of Matthew and Luke.
So, if the parents of Jesus, my Master, the Author and Finisher of my Faith were involved in sacrifice, why would I say I want to distance myself from such?
Again, they accused us pastors of asking some people that have problems to go and bathe in a running stream, what is wrong with that, did such not happen in the Bible? Have we forgotten the story of Naman, the Syrian Army General who had leprosy and was looking for a cure, how Prophet Elisha asked him to go bathe inside River Jordan, and Naman was healed after complying with the prophet’s instruction, and this is why I said some people are dying due to ignorance.
Sacrifice is biblically ordained. I sacrificed animals and birds to offer prayers to cure and heal people of their ailments.
When I pray for you and it is revealed to me that I should kill duck, cow or even goat to offer prayers for you, I will tell you to make available such animals for sacrifice, and the moment we do that, you receive your healing.
When I kill fowl, goat, duck or even cow for sacrifice to heal somebody, I have not in any way transgressed. I’m only doing the will of Jesus Christ, who is my personal Lord and Saviour. Whatever is outside the Bible, you will never see me doing it.
Even in the book of Revelation, the use of leaves and herbs was recommended for healing. And for those who describe Ogboni fraternity as a cult, this is wrong. Ogboni is a society. We are transparent and honest people. Ogboni abhors evil. We are organized and disciplined. A cult is a group of people involved in secrecy, we are open to scrutiny. Let those who out of hearsay say evil about Ogboni be bold and come to our meeting and see whether it is true that we drink blood.
All those pastors saying rubbish about Ogboni are doing so to attract membership.
You say you sacrifice animals, if that is what is needed for someone’s prayers to be answered, but the Bible says Jesus has done that by His death, are you not going against the Bible?
Far from it! Whatever I do as Ogboni Pastor is biblically ordained and inspired. If you read your New Testament very well, Apostle Paul who is regarded as one of the most dynamic evangelists of his era says that without shedding blood, that there is no redemption. Am I the one that put that in the Bible? Even when Jesus Christ was about to be dedicated, His parents, Joseph and Mary took pigeons and doves to the church which were slaughtered as a sacrifice.
You also read in several other places both in the Old and New Testament where blood sacrifice took place. You remember the case of Cain and Abel. I even read Bible before I carry out this killing of animals as sacrifice in order to save souls.
You said you belong to Cherubim and Seraphim sect, is the leadership of the church aware of your membership of Ogboni fraternity, and again are members of the Christian Association of Nigeria aware of your position in Ogboni?
I have never hidden my membership of the Ogboni group. The church leaders are aware, and nobody has raised any eyebrow. I’ve even used my membership of Ogboni to win more souls for Christ. As for CAN leaders both at Alapere, and in Odogunyan, I play prominent roles in the affairs of the association. I pay my dues as and when due. I also sacrifice my time and energy for evangelism. They respect me a lot.
There are also other pastors there who are fellow Ogboni members. But I won’t mention names here unless the situation warrants it. Just as I’m not ashamed of the gospel so also I’m not ashamed of being an Ogboni pastor.
Some pastors do come to us at Ogboni meetings seeking spiritual assistance for their church grow in terms of membership. At other times, they seek our help that their members will obey them or do whatever they ask them to do without questioning their authority. But it is a big shame that these pastors when they mount pulpits would be deceiving their members by behaving and talking as if they are truly holy spirit-inspired. They should learn to give credit to whom it is due.
Let me be bold in saying this that it is unfortunate that the church is full of deceit today.
It is a big shame that many of these so-called men of God that claim that they rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to do miracles are liars. They are big liars.
Many of these pastors both within the orthodox and the Pentecostal fold are members of Ogboni fraternity. They come to the Ogboni meetings seeking powers which are given to them. We also have many professionals including lawyers, doctors, engineers, university lecturers, imams, Islamic and Christian leaders, and traditional rulers as our members. We don’t discriminate. Our mission here on earth is to save mankind.
Why do you think Ogboni has such powers that even pastors, as you say, seek power from it?
Ogboni members derive power from God. We call on the name of the supreme being which Yorubas called Olodumare. We call on Him and He answers our prayers anytime we call upon him. We also get power through some deities like Ogun, god of iron, Sango, god of thunder and so on and so forth.
What matters most is to have purity of heart and mind. When your mind is pure, when you call on God, He will answer your prayer. If God is not with us, the power we use as Ogboni members will fail us.
Without God’s backing, there is nothing we can do. Ask those pastors or any other person that have been to our meetings if we ever call on any other name during our meeting than that of Supreme being, Olodumare.
As the saying goes, the taste of the pudding is in the eating, whosoever is in doubt about what we do or wants to know whether I lie that God is the source of our power should endeavour to come to our meeting. Saala Ogboni runs an open-doors policy. You are welcome into our midst any time.
You said Ogboni is not a secret cult; if so, why is it not holding meetings openly as other religions?
It was in the days of the yore that Ogboni holds meetings in secret. Today everything about us is open. We hold our general meetings on 1st Sunday of every month in broad daylight.
During the meeting, we welcome new members, then we exchange ideas on issues that will bring development to the society. We also conduct vigils in the open like Christians and Muslims do. Just like their own, we hold such vigils in our headquarters, local branches, but we conduct our fellowship in the open. We hold such vigils in the second Sunday of every month. As a reporter who is naturally inquisitive, you are invited either our night vigils or general meeting as doing so will enable you to have open mind while writing your report.
Christians believe in Christ, Muslims believe in Mohammed, what does Ogboni believe in?
We believe 100 percent in Olodumare, the Supreme being, and it is from Him we derive our power to do all things. However, we also believe in lesser deities such as Ogun, Sango, Sonponna, and other deities which are believed to be mediums through which we can also call on the name of Olodumare. Ogboni strongly believes in the culture and traditions of our forefathers. You can call us traditionalists.
As Ogboni pastor, what spiritual advantage do you have that other pastors who are not Ogboni members don’t have?
The advantages I have are enormous. You know when you are doing something with purity of mind and purpose, God will answer your prayers. Being an Ogboni pastor, I have 100 percent direct access to Olodumare and when I call upon Him, He never disappoints, and that is why you see some people that call themselves pastors, they can’t see any vision, they can’t cure anybody, and that is why they come to our members in the Ogboni fellowship to acquire powers to enable them perform miracles.
You don’t need to kneel down before me before I know who you are or your problems. The moment I pray for you or you send a prayer request from any part of the globe, I will know what your problems are and the way out. But how many of these pastors can lay claim to such? The moment you become a member you will be automatically qualified to have or enjoy these powers.
As I said, Ogboni is not evil. We are not children of darkness, but that of light. If we are evil, why is our membership increasing with even both Islamic and Christian clerics seeking our assistance?
Pastors that are not Ogboni members will have problem of church growth that is talking about membership, that is why in some churches they don’t have up to 30 members, whereas in other ones you see a mammoth crowd.
For those who have large members, do you think it is by their own power that they do it?
No. Several pastors come to us and we do what we call Aworo in Yoruba for them.
Aworo is a kind of charm that draws crowd to a place. We do it for pastors, and that is why you see many of them driving state of the art cars. For those pastors that don’t know their ways, you see them in penury, drinking garri and coconut most of the time.
What is your educational background?
What does educational background have to do with my work as a servant of the Most High? However to satisfy your curiosity, I had elementary education, and that was a period when standard six certificate was of high quality than secondary school certificate today.
I was into private business of buying and selling textiles and wood when God called me into His ministry. Initially I resisted because my business was flourishing, but later I succumbed to God’s call.
Then, if you are asking about my educational background, which school or seminary did Moses, Joshua, Elisha and Elijah attend? And yet were they not great ministers of God who performed wonders? Even my Personal Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, did He attend any school?
To be a minister of God is not an academic issue but everything depends on God who call you. If God does not call and you call yourself, your ministry will not prosper. You will be living from hand to mouth, but when it is God that called you to be a servant in His vineyard, you will prosper beyond your own wildest imagination.
Source: Nigerian Monitor
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Hello everyone, my name is Veronika Santos, I'm a member of the New World Order (Illuminati), am not here to give testimonies on how I joined the brotherhood but to sincerely apologies to those that are victims to these fake agents in different part of the world using our identities for fraud.
ReplyDeleteThese are what they do, they will contact our agents across the globe pretending to be an applicant, after given them the procedures, terms and conditions on how to be a member of the brotherhood they will block our agents and use that same procedures to fraud you guys by broadcasting on internet things that doesn't exist in the brotherhood such as paying salaries to our members, giving dreams cars to all new members and the worth of the car, a V I P treatment in all airports in the world, one month booked appointment with top 5 world leaders and top 5 celebrities in the world ETC all these are fake. Please note this, am not disputing the fact that the illuminati brotherhood don't give benefits to their newly initiated members, We do but not as exorbitant these fake agents paint it to be but a trap to stuck and suck you guys be wise to identify these tricks. Note this, to be a member of the illuminati is free, you're not paying for so called registration/initiation fee, membership ID card fee, certificate fee ETC all these are free, you're only going to be initiated into the brotherhood by any of our initiators not agent. Another point to note is that initiation into the brotherhood doesn't involves human blood sacrifices and anyone who tells you he/she is the Grand master or gives you a contact that you have to chat with the Grand master is fake the Grand master don't chat with applicants, you can only meet with the Grand master when you are invited to the headquarter 3 months after your initiation into the brotherhood for your awarding ceremony with the twelve heads of executives for your oath.
If you have been a victim please or you want to no more detail on how you can be a member of the illuminati brotherhood in your country, via whatsApp +14434187380 or via Email: templeofthebrotherhood@gmail.com
This is the little help I can give, HAIL THE LIGHT.
JOIN THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHER HOOD TODAY AND LIVE A BETTER AND HAPPY LIFE. WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF RICHES,FAME AND POWERS. Are you a business,Man or woman,politician,musician,pastor,lawyer,actor,actress,banker, and many others and you want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Great ILLUMINATI brother hood. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great ILLUMINATI brotherhood, Note: New members are rewarded with $600,000 US Dollars A Golden Ring will be offered, that will protect and guild you from enemies, and a free visa to all country. No human sacrifices or sharing of blood .if you are really interested contact us today ovia whats app +393511269803 or email at worldilluminaticentre@gmail.com or BENEFIT GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI:: A Cash Reward of $600,000 US Dollars and/ A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at $250,000 US Dollars and/ A Dream House and/ Monthly Payment of $350,000 USD. Contact us immediately and become a member
ReplyDeleteJOIN THE GREAT OGBONI BROTHER HOOD TODAY AND LIVE A BETTER AND HAPPY LIFE. WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF RICHES,FAME AND POWERS. Are you a business,Man or woman,politician,musician,pastor,lawyer,actor,actress,banker, and many others and you want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Great ogboni brotherhood. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great Ogboni fraternity brotherhood, Note: New members are rewarded with $600,000 US Dollars A Golden Ring will be offered, that will protect and guild you from enemies, and a free visa to all country. No human sacrifices or sharing of blood .if you are really interested contact us today ovia whats app +2348122181051.BENEFIT GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ogboni fraternity :: A Cash Reward of $600,000 US Dollars and/ A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at $250,000 US Dollars and/ A Dream House and/ Monthly Payment of $350,000 USD. Contact us 08122181051 immediately and become a member
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ReplyDeleteOGBONI FRATARNITY as a brotherhood that will make you rich and famous
in the world and have power to control people in the high place in the
worldwide call 08089535482 .Are you a business man or woman,artist, political, musician,
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and also get 10,000,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary If you are
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1* You must believe that money is power
2* You must have strong belief of Success
3* share no secrete with anyone, not even your wife or mother
because we are watching.
WELCOME TO THE GREAT OGBONI FRATERNITYIf you are interested of joining us in the great brotherhood Contact the Grand Master for more clarification. Whatsapp@08054615060Do you want to be a member of ogboni as a brotherhood that will make you rich and famous in the world and have power to control people in the high place in the worldwide.Are you a business man or woman, artist, political, musician, student, do you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life, join the ogboni brotherhood cult today and get instant rich contact us +2348054615060
ReplyDeleteHello everyone, my name is Veronika Santos, I'm a member of the New World
ReplyDeleteOrder (Illuminati), am not here to give testimonies on how I joined the
brotherhood but to sincerely apologies to those that are victims to these fake agents in different part of the world using our identities for fraud.
These are what they do, they will contact our agents across the globe pretending to be an applicant, after given them the procedures, terms and conditions on how to be a member of the brotherhood they will block our agents and use that same procedures to fraud you guys by broadcasting on internet things that doesn't exist in the brotherhood such as paying salaries to our members, giving dreams cars to all new members and the worth of the car, a V I P treatment in all airports in the world, one month booked appointment with top 5 world leaders and top 5 celebrities in the world ETC all these are fake. Please note this, am not disputing the fact that the illuminati brotherhood don't give benefits to their newly initiated members, We do but not as exorbitant these fake agents paint it to be but a trap to stuck and suck you guys be wise to identify these tricks. Note this, to be a member of the illuminati is free, you're not paying for so called registration/initiation fee, membership ID card fee, certificate fee ETC all these are free, you're only going to be initiated into the brotherhood by any of our initiators not agent.
Another point to note is that initiation into the brotherhood doesn't involves human blood sacrifices and anyone who tells you he/she is the Grand master or gives you a contact that you have to chat with the Grand master is fake the Grand master don't chat with applicants, you can only meet with the Grand master when you are invited to the headquarter 3 months after your initiation into the brotherhood for your awarding ceremony with the twelve heads of executives for your oath.
If you have been a victim please or you want to no more detail on how you can be a member of the illuminati brotherhood in your country, via whatsApp +14434187380 or via Email: templeofthebrotherhood@gmail.com
This is the little help I can give, HAIL THE LIGHT.
WELCOME TO THE GREAT OGBONI FRATERNITYIf you are interested of joining us in the great brotherhood Contact the Grand Master for more clarification. Whatsapp@08054615060Do you want to be a member of ogboni as a brotherhood that will make you rich and famous in the world and have power to control people in the high place in the worldwide.Are you a business man or woman, artist, political, musician, student, do you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life, join the ogboni brotherhood cult today and get instant rich contact us +2348054615060
ReplyDeletehello Everyone I want to quickly use this medium to share a testimony on how i was directed to a Legit and real illuminati member who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to be a member of the illuminati and was scammed the sum of $5,000 i became so desperate in being a member online who will not add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently became a member, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Steve marco who is the agent in the whole of Africa. So i applied to become a member of illuminati easily without stress and all the preparations were made concerning how to become a member in two(2) days i became a member and the sum of 2.5 million dollars was deposited into my bank account so i want to advice any one who wants to become a member should call him +2348078336137 or WhatsApp him +2348078336137 or email (stevemarco888@gmail.com) he does not know am doing this i pray that lucifer will bless him for the good things he has done in my life.........................
ReplyDeleteI want to give testimony about agent Steve of illuminate member that made me to be who I am today at first I taught he was a scam but letter he told me that I should go and purchase some items and I was like saying this man is a scam but he encouraged me to purchase the items and he also said that it was for my own good and I really send him the money and the next day he send me my pot of money and some parcel look at me now am very rich and famous if you want to be rich you can get in touch with agent Steve marco on WhatsApp +2348078336137?or Email: stevemarco888@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteCONTACT Mr ROBERT MORRISON IS A NICE MAN... call(+2347040550645)or add him on WhatsApp(+2347040550645)I was thinking that illuminati is not real, But today with Mr Robert Morrison I now believe that illuminati is real, when you come across wrong person’s you will think that life is not real but when you are with the real one you will experience the goodness of your life, To Mr Robert Morrison has made me discovered my purpose of life. Welcome to the great brotherhood of Illuminati 666: . WhatsApp mr Robert Morrison , from , Nigeria, and every other Country’s on how to join the Illuminati brotherhood to get rich and famous, You may be a politician, business man/woman ,musical artist, student, footballer or whatever occupation you do, you want to be rich, powerful and famous in life. Illuminati can grant all your heart desires join the Illuminati to become rich and famous in life, Illuminati will make you achieve all your dream to become rich and protected all the days of your life…… BENEFIT GIVEN TO A NEW MEMBER WHO JOIN THE ILLUMINATI a cash reward of usd $2.5million USD a new sleek dream car valued at USD $70,000.00USD a dream house build in any country of your own choice one month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination.One year golf membership package a V I P treatment in all airports in the world a total lifestyle change access to bohemian grove monthly payment of$10,000USD into your bank account every month as a member, one month booked appointment with top 5 world leaders and top 5 celebrities in the world» JOIN ILLUMINATI YOUR FINANCIALDIFFICULTIES ARE BROUGHT TO AN END. WE SUPPORT YOU BOTH FINANCIALLYAND SPIRITUALLY TO ENSURE YOU LIVE A COMFORTABLE LIFE . IF YOU ARE INTERESTED CONTACT Mr Robert Morrison on WhatsApp (+2347040550645) Or call him (+2347040550645) email him on : agentrobertmorrison@gmail.com For immediately response… My Regard to mr Robert Morrison.......
ReplyDeleteCONTACT Mr robert morrison call (+2347040550645 or WhatsApp him through this
ReplyDeletenumber +2347040550645 Hello everyone I am here to give a testimony on how I joined the illuminati
brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years
now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I
could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by
all miss but all invail, I was afraid
to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I came
across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Robert morrison of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look
at the man phone number that was written there, it was a
nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my
$4000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I
decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him
and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his
own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I
made up my mind and called the agent called Robert morrison and he told me
everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of
being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy,For
those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for
you to join CONTACT Mr Robert morrison call ( +2347040550645 or WhatsApp him
+2347040550645 .
CONTACT Mr STEVE MARCO IS A NICE MAN... call(+2348078336137)or add him on WhatsApp(+2348078336137)I was thinking that illuminati is not real, But today with Mr Steve Marco I now believe that illuminati is real, when you come across wrong person’s you will think that life is not real but when you are with the real one you will experience the goodness of your life, To Mr Steve Marco has made me discovered my purpose of life. Welcome to the great brotherhood of Illuminati 666: . WhatsApp mr Steve Marco , from , Nigeria, and every other Country’s on how to join the Illuminati brotherhood to get rich and famous, You may be a politician, business man/woman ,musical artist, student, footballer or whatever occupation you do, you want to be rich, powerful and famous in life. Illuminati can grant all your heart desires join the Illuminati to become rich and famous in life, Illuminati will make you achieve all your dream to become rich and protected all the days of your life…… BENEFIT GIVEN TO A NEW MEMBER WHO JOIN THE ILLUMINATI a cash reward of usd $2.5million USD a new sleek dream car valued at USD $70,000.00USD a dream house build in any country of your own choice one month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination.One year golf membership package a V I P treatment in all airports in the world a total lifestyle change access to bohemian grove monthly payment of$10,000USD into your bank account every month as a member, one month booked appointment with top 5 world leaders and top 5 celebrities in the world» JOIN ILLUMINATI YOUR FINANCIALDIFFICULTIES ARE BROUGHT TO AN END. WE SUPPORT YOU BOTH FINANCIALLYAND SPIRITUALLY TO ENSURE YOU LIVE A COMFORTABLE LIFE . IF YOU ARE INTERESTED CONTACT Mr Steve Marco on WhatsApp (+2348078336137) Or call him (+2348078336137) email him on : STEVEMARCO888@GMAIL.COM For immediately response… My Regard to mr Steve Marco.......
ReplyDeleteGood news!!! Good news!!!,
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is a good tip- join the “ILLUMINATI ORGANIZATION”, you may ask
“How Can I Join” , the answer is simple all you have to do is
contact us via WhatsApp or Email ( contact information will be listed below)ELEVATE YOURSELF FROM POVERTY.
Do not hesitate to contact us If You Require our service in any way
Here's our contact info
EMAIL: illuminatiinitiationtemplewa@gmail.com
WHATSAPP AND CALLS: (+1 760-892-2577)
TELEGRAM: (07052719658).
WARNING: only those who are interested to become a member of the church of Satan are allow to visit office or send a mail to the email address below. Do not contact if you are not interested and once you contact there is no going back. so think before contacting. BEWARE!!!
Hello everyone my name is James Clark i am from U.K i'm giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now, I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria, I was down i could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all means but all in vain, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money, one day I came across a post of someone giving a testimony thanking a man called John William for helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I looked at the man's email and the phone number that was written there, I was afraid to contact him because i was scammed a lot of times by scammers who ate my 5000,000 and went away with the money then I was very confused so I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called John William and he told me everything to do and I was initiated, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, for those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR John William call (+2348119132137) or WhatsApp him (+2348119132137) or Email johndavid2135@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteCONTACT MR STEVE MARCO WITH THIS INFORMATION CALL (08078336137) OR WHATSAPP HIM NOW............. (+2348078336137)ATTENTION TO THOSE WHO WANT TO CHANGE THEIR LIVES. Are you a politician, businessman/woman,Musician,ARTIST, ETC. if you are serious on changing your status in the society. Join the great illuminati and get wealth power and protection. Many people dream to be a leader, some have predispositions, but very few have the ability and the competence to fulfill this heavy responsibility. Brothers and sisters, I think you dream of becoming a leader, a successful Lion. Let yourself be guided by the Light??you are already on the road that leads to thought leadership. Become an excellent leader is a daily and lifelong learning. Be prepared to lead when times are hard, when your people look to you for directions. According to STEVE MARCO."A leader has been defined as one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way". Are you prepared? If you hope to lead, you must first find the path before others can follow your directions. Remember that, being on the road, Humility, wisdom, loyalty and respect are needed. interested contact great agent to join the illuminati and make all your dreams come true. via whatsapp +2348078336137, STEVEMARCO888@GMAIL.COM....
ReplyDeleteCONTACT Mr ROBERT MORRISON IS A NICE MAN... call(+2347040550645)or add him on WhatsApp(+2347040550645)I was thinking that illuminati is not real, But today with Mr Robert Morrison I now believe that illuminati is real, when you come across wrong person’s you will think that life is not real but when you are with the real one you will experience the goodness of your life, To Mr Robert Morrison has made me discovered my purpose of life. Welcome to the great brotherhood of Illuminati 666: . WhatsApp mr Robert Morrison , from , Nigeria, and every other Country’s on how to join the Illuminati brotherhood to get rich and famous, You may be a politician, business man/woman ,musical artist, student, footballer or whatever occupation you do, you want to be rich, powerful and famous in life. Illuminati can grant all your heart desires join the Illuminati to become rich and famous in life, Illuminati will make you achieve all your dream to become rich and protected all the days of your life…… BENEFIT GIVEN TO A NEW MEMBER WHO JOIN THE ILLUMINATI a cash reward of usd $2.5million USD a new sleek dream car valued at USD $70,000.00USD a dream house build in any country of your own choice one month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination.One year golf membership package a V I P treatment in all airports in the world a total lifestyle change access to bohemian grove monthly payment of$10,000USD into your bank account every month as a member, one month booked appointment with top 5 world leaders and top 5 celebrities in the world» JOIN ILLUMINATI YOUR FINANCIALDIFFICULTIES ARE BROUGHT TO AN END. WE SUPPORT YOU BOTH FINANCIALLYAND SPIRITUALLY TO ENSURE YOU LIVE A COMFORTABLE LIFE . IF YOU ARE INTERESTED CONTACT Mr Robert Morrison on WhatsApp (+2347040550645) Or call him (+2347040550645) email him on : agentrobertmorrison@gmail.com For immediately response… My Regard to mr Robert Morrison.......
ReplyDeleteviewer I am here to share my testimony on how I finally joined the Illuminati neighborhood and became RICH, FAMOUS AND POWERFUL, I tried my best to become a member of the brotherhood, but I was scammed several times, before I found a testimony. on the internet so I contacted the agent, I was so afraid that he would ask me for a lot of money before I could join the light, but to my greatest surprise he only asked me to buy the items I made and today I am very happy to tell the world that I am rich and have been able to build many businesses with all this I obtained an instant sum of $ 7 million dollars in my personal account and I am also known all over the world with the business. that the Illuminati brotherhood gave me and I also have the power to do what I want ... I know many people may be in my lane also looking for help here you are
official email: Illuminati666moneycult@gmail.com
WhatsApp no: +2349023758310
CONTACT Mr Robert Morrison call +2347040550645 or WhatsApp him through this number +2347040550645 or email: agentrobertmorrison@gmail.com Hello everyone My name is Andrew tony am from usa i am here to give a testimony on how I join the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I come across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Robert Morrison of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my $9000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Robert Morrison and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR Robert Morrison call +2347040550645 or WhatsApp him +2347040550645 or email: agentrobertmorrison@gmail.com.....................
ReplyDeleteHello everyone my name is MARY from the united state of american north carolina i’m giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now, I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria, I was down i could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all means but all in vain, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money, one day I came across a post of someone giving a testimony thanking a man called PETER SAMPSON for helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I looked at the man’s email and the phone number that was written there, I was afraid to contact him because i was scammed a lot of times by scammers who ate my $50,000 and went away with the money then I was very confused so I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called PETER SAMPSON and he told me everything to do and I was initiated, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, for those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join if intrested in joining kindly email us on (illuminati666moneycult@gmail.com) or number +2349023758310
ReplyDeleteCONTACT Mr Robert Morrison call +2347040550645 or WhatsApp him through this number +2347040550645 or email: agentrobertmorrison@gmail.com Hello everyone My name is Alex francisco am from Indiana i am here to give a testimony on how I join the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I come across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Robert Morrison of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my $6000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Robert Morrison and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR Robert Morrison call +2347040550645 or WhatsApp him +2347040550645 or email: agentrobertmorrison@gmail.com.....................
ReplyDeleteContact the agent that will lead you to the temple to receive your benefits on WhatsApp +9779742562469
ReplyDeleteThis is an open opportunity to everyone who want to join Illuminati brotherhood organization were you can get rich, famous, powerful and protected in life,join now to receive the sum of 10,000,000.00 DOLLARS as your first benefits and more when you visit the temple.Email: benefitfornewmembers@gmail.com
.A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice and a car
.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World
.A total Lifestyle change
.Monthly payment of $5 000,000.00 USD into your bank account every month as
a member
HELLO DEAR BROTHER'S AND SISTER'S GREETINGS TO YOU ALL IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD OF WEALTH AND POWER, PEACE ONTO YOU ALL, Head office Email freeworldorder999@gmail.com,,the Great world power order is on a outreach to people who are in need of wealth and power who wants to join the Great brother hood to have all you want in this life time, this brother hood Will protect you and your family from any kind of evil eye's on your family, be part of this great brother hood to day to be rich and famous for all life time.. contact the Great brother hood agent on his WhatsApp+19099395549 or contact the head office now to be part now..,,STAY SAFE THANKS,,,,
ReplyDeleteHELLO DEAR BROTHER'S AND SISTER'S GREETINGS TO YOU ALL IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD OF WEALTH AND POWER, PEACE ONTO YOU ALL, Head office Email freeworldorder999@gmail.com,,the Great world power order is on a outreach to people who are in need of wealth and power who wants to join the Great brother hood to have all you want in this life time, this brother hood Will protect you and your family from any kind of evil eye's on your family, be part of this great brother hood to day to be rich and famous for all life time.. contact the Great brother hood agent on his WhatsApp+19099395549 or contact the head office now to be part now..,,STAY SAFE THANKS,,,,
ReplyDeleteARE YOU LOOKING FOR RICHES, FAME, POWERS, KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM. Are you a business Man or Woman, Politician, Musician, Pastor, Lawyer, Actor, Actress, Banker, Footballer, Model, Graduate, student, Engineer And you want to be Rich, Famous and Powerful in Life, And NO HUMAN SACRIFICE.THIS IS YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY, The great Illuminati brotherhood will make you Rich, Powerful, famous and wealthy. You can achieve all your dreams and heart desire by being a member of the Illuminati brotherhood, Long life and prosperity here on Earth.
ReplyDeleteIf you really want to become a member of the great Illuminati contact us today VIA: illuminatiworld345@gmail.com or What-sapp +2348180828544
Illuminati brotherhood today is given out the sum of $ 10,000,000 USD to anyone that is ready to become a member of the family into your bank account immediately before your initiations and more benefits you will receive when you visit the temple, Note: There is no human sacrifice or share of blood, if interested,send an email to: illuminati666benefits@gmail.com Or whatsapp +1(959)2210429
A cash reward of USD $550,000 USD.
A new Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $150,000 USD
A dream home bought in the country of your choices and much more to come.
ReplyDeleteAre you a business Man or Woman, Politician, Musician, Pastor, Lawyer, Actor, Actress, Banker, Footballer, Model, Graduate, student, Engineer And you want to be Rich, Famous and Powerful in Life, And NO HUMAN SACRIFICE.
THIS IS YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY, The great Illuminati brotherhood will make you Rich, Powerful, famous and wealthy. You can achieve all your dreams and heart desire by being a member of the Illuminati brotherhood, Long life and prosperity here on Earth.
If you really want to become a member of the great Illuminati contact us today VIA EMAIL: illuminatiworld345@gmail.com or WHAT-SAPP +2348180828544
STOP WASTING YOUR TIME ON FAKE PEOPLE WHO CLAIM TO BE AN AGENT I WAS SCAMMED 4TIMES NOT UNTIL I RECEIVE A MESSAGE ON MY WHATSAPP TO CONTACT MR HARRIS WHICH I DID NOW I AM A FULL MEMBER OF THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD BE WHAT YOU WHICH FOR IN LIFE BY JOINING THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD TODAY Further encouraging the rumours is the widespread use of supposed "Illuminati" imagery in music videos. Many Freemason and Illuminati symbols, like devil horns and the all-seeing eye, have simply become popular in mainstream culture. But it's also true that some musicians seem to enjoy deliberately playing with symbols connected to secret societies.if you are interested contact on email illuminatiriches50085@gmail.com or whatsapp number +14092993890 GOOD LUCK..
ReplyDeleteSTOP WASTING YOUR TIME ON FAKE PEOPLE WHO CLAIM TO BE AN AGENT I WAS SCAMMED 4TIMES NOT UNTIL I RECEIVE A MESSAGE ON MY WHATSAPP TO CONTACT MR HARRIS WHICH I DID NOW I AM A FULL MEMBER OF THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD BE WHAT YOU WHICH FOR IN LIFE BY JOINING THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD TODAY Further encouraging the rumours is the widespread use of supposed "Illuminati" imagery in music videos. Many Freemason and Illuminati symbols, like devil horns and the all-seeing eye, have simply become popular in mainstream culture. But it's also true that some musicians seem to enjoy deliberately playing with symbols connected to secret societies.if you are interested contact on email illuminatiriches50085@gmail.com or whatsapp number +14092993890 GOOD LUCK....
ReplyDeleteHello viewer am Albert mike from Kenya 30 years old am here to share my testimony on how i joined the brotherhood of illuminati.. four months back when i wanted to join the brotherhood i was scammed by fake agents and people pretending to be Grand Master use the website.. until i met a friend MR BERRY WARD who gave me the genuine procedures i followed and made me a member of the great brotherhood of illuminati. today i am living a good life and i have enough money to do all i ever wanted .if u are interested and u need the help of my Initiator Berry.send email-grandmasterilluminati29@gmail.com or Whats'App MR Berry ward +1(720) 803-2932 thanks Berry, am living the dream i will forever be grateful