Saraki's Trial: Heated Argument Ensues At Tribunal Today, Read Full Text Of Proceedings (2) | News Proof



Saraki's Trial: Heated Argument Ensues At Tribunal Today, Read Full Text Of Proceedings (2)


Agabi: My Lord, My Lord, My Lord, I thank you. If I could speak with you on my knees, I would
Agabi: More and more people will make you angry my Lord. Will you send them all off to the prison?
Justice Umar : He exchanged words with me. Does he have right to do that?
Agabi: No he doesn't. Forgive him my Lord
Justice Umar: I have already closed thay chapter.
Agabi: Thank you my Lord. (To prosecution) you will always be my brother
Kanu Agabi takes his seat as Paul Usoro continues his cross examination of the witness
Defense: I am told that the last entry was 16/4/2010 of $84,000 on page 8
Defense: Michael correct?
Witness: That's right my Lord
Defense : On page 9, 18/5/2010, $134,000 transaction was carried out
Defense : 21/6/2010, $64,000 was made..still on that page 9. On 29/7/2010, $80,984 transaction was also made

Defense: On page 10, 2 transactions took place. 1st on 31/8/2010 for $100,000
Defense: After that, $18,000 was made on 2/9/201
Defense: On page 11, on 11/10/2010, $48,900 and 8/12/2010, $183,232.46 were made
Defense: page 12, 31/2/2011, $32,687 and on 22/3/2011, $30,656.74 were transactions made
Defense: $40,730.85 was transaction made on 8/5/2011.
Defense: $111,444.79 and on 19/7/2011, $43, 651.92 were transactions reflected on page 13
Witness: That's correct
Defense: page 14 now. On 16/8/2011, $91,738 and then 26/8/2011, $10,000 were figures entered
Witness directs defense to 29/8/2011 where transaction of $65,000 was done
Defense: 27/8/2011, $112,140.80 was entered.
Prosecution draws the attention of the defense to page 15 where a transaction of $1,121.41 was entered on 27/9/2011
Defense draws witness 's attention to a charge on a major transaction to which prosecution needed clarification
Defense: Page 16, 14/12/2011, $86, 872.10, on 4/1/2012, $50,000, on 27/1/2012, $145,000 were entries made
Defense: Page 17, on 30/01/2012, $7,000, on 10/2/2012 $94,754.63 and 20/2/2012, $77,000 were entries made
Defense: page 18, 29/3/2012, $70,648.44 was entered. On 12/4/2012, $60,000 and on 11/5/2012, $70,000 were entered
Defense: still on that page 17/5/2012, $55,000 was the entry entered. 4 major entries, Michael
Again Justice Umar wonders why the defense feels the need to take the tribunal through this long process.

The tribunal now calls for a 30 minutes recess to reconvene at 1:30 pm
Justice Umar: Do you want us to die here?
Court dissolves into laughter
Usoro: I am sorry my Lord. We are almost there
Defense : Page 19, 12/6/2012, $89,411.74, 4/7/2012 for $70,000 and on 16/7/2012, $138,000 were entries entered
Defense: Page 20 now. On 5/9/2012, $45,000,
Witness: that was on the 6th
Defense corrects himself
Defense: 24/9/2012, $45,308 and on 11/10/2012, $130,400 were transactions carried out
Witness confirms that those are the only transactions made on said page
Defense: page 21 on 18/12/2012, $4,153. Defense draws witness attention to a major transfer of $560 on 17/1/2013
Defense: Now page 22.
Witness : there is no major transfer there
Defense: That's all as far as that doc is concerned
Defense: the narration in all these is dt d only name to which those transfers are made is American Express Services Ltd Europe
Witness: That's the destination of the transfers
Defense to Justice: destination as in where the money is transferred to
Defense: I will ask you general questions regarding GTB letter on page 37 of the Exhibit for count 12
Defense: in other words gtbank by its letter of 1/4/2014 forwarded the certified true copies of instruments
Witness : That's correct.
Defense: I am more interested in the tekex messages
Witness: some were sent and relate to count 12
Justice Umar takes a look at his time
Defense: I could break even now my Lord
Justice Umar: We can take a break now to continue later refreshed & strong
Defense: page 21 on 18/12/2012, $4,153. Defense draws witness attention to a major transfer of $560 on 17/1/2013
Defense :we thank your Lordships for your indulgence. Thank you very much my Lord. 1:30 pm is fine for reconvergence
The tribunal now calls for a 30 minutes recess to reconvene at 1:30 pm

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