ECOWAS Court Gives Buhari 24hrs Verdict Over Dasuki's Detention | News Proof

ECOWAS Court Gives Buhari 24hrs Verdict Over Dasuki's Detention

ECOWAS Court Gives Buhari 24hrs Over Dasuki's Detention
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Court has ordered the Federal Government to justify Sambo Dasuki’s detention within 24 hours.

The former national security officer who has been detained since December 2015 was also ordered by the court to make out his case against government challenging his detention, The Punch reports.

The ECOWAS court gave the order on Tuesday, May 17, The HeraldNG reported

The presiding judge, Justice Friday Nwoke, in his ruling said: “Having listened to parties in this matter and the parties having filed and put all necessary documents and exhibits at the disposal of this court and having granted accelerated hearing in this matter, it is in the interest of justice that this case must be expeditiously dealt with.

“In this regard, the plaintiff is hereby ordered to make out his case on Wednesday, May 18 and the defendant to ventilate its defense the following day, May 19 after which we will adjourn for judgment.”

Dasuki was arrested in November 2015 for allegedly diverting the sum of $2.1 billion meant to aid in the fight against the Boko Haram insurgency in the north east.

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