'Fantastically Corrupt Comment: What I Will Do To David Cameron At UK Today - Buhari Opens Up | News Proof

'Fantastically Corrupt Comment: What I Will Do To David Cameron At UK Today - Buhari Opens Up

President Muhammadu Buhari seemingly unperturbed by devastating 'fantastically corrupt' comment attributed to the British prime Minister, David Cameron has said he would rather demand for the return of stolen Nigerian assets stashed in UK instead of apology from Cameron.

Speaking at the Commonwealth Tackling Corruption Together Conference in the UK this morning, President Buhari said:

"I am not going to demand any apology from the Prime Minister or anybody. What I am demanding is the return of our assets. I have already mentioned how Britain is revered and how disgraceful one of the Nigerian elects is...He had to dress like a woman to leave Britain and leave behind his bank account and fixed assets which Britain is prepared to hand over to us. This is what I am asking for. What will I do with apologies? I need something tangible (money)" Buhari said

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