Photos of Rescued 19yrs Old Chibok Girl, Amini Nkeki Her Baby & Boko Haram Husband | News Proof

Photos of Rescued 19yrs Old Chibok Girl, Amini Nkeki Her Baby & Boko Haram Husband

Amina Nkeki and Boko Haram Husband
Amina Nkeki and Boko Haram Husband
The Boko Haram Husband
Credit: SH

News Punch has obtained some photos of the rescued Chibok girl, Amina Nkeki with her child and her Boko Haram husband, which reports say is one of the sect's commander.

She was rescued by the Borno state Civilian Joint Task Force (JTF). She was found in Kulakeita area in the company of her Boko Haram husband, Sahara Reporters says.

News Punch earlier reported that Amina Nkeki, the Chibok schoolgirl who was rescued around Sambisa forest on Tuesday, has revealed that six of her colleagues have died in captivity.

The girl, who was reportedly found breast feeding a child, said their captors shielded them from the military.

Amina Nkeki and Boko Haram Husband
Amina Nkeki and her baby

According to Tunji Olarenwaju, a member of the strategic team of the Bring Back Our Girls (BBOG) movement, Nkeki maade the revelations under interrogation.
“She said all of them are still in Sambisa forest, that six were already dead. She added that they are well secured and protected from the Nigerian army. She has been talking to troops at Damboa after verifying her to the Chibok Community at home,” TheCable reported earlier

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