Pressurized Buhari SACKS Comptroller General of Immigration, Kure Martin Abeshi. | News Proof



Pressurized Buhari SACKS Comptroller General of Immigration, Kure Martin Abeshi.

Pressurized Buhari SACKS Comptroller General of Immigration, Kure Martin Abeshi.
Report published by 247Ureports suggests that pressurized President Muhammadu Buhari has sacked the Comptroller Genral of Nigerian Immigration Service, Mr. Kure Martin Abeshi.

Though not confirmed by News Punch, but 247Ureports says it gathered that earlier today that the president has come under pressure to take the decision as a result of imbalance in the federal character policy among the heads of agencies under the Federal Ministry of Interior.

Abeshi who head Immigration service hails from Nassarawa state in the north-central, Nigerian Security and Civil Defence (NSCDC)’s Comptroller General Abdullahi Gana hails from Niger state, the Controller General of Federal Fire Service (FFS) Eng. Anebi also hails from Benue state in the North-central while only Peter Ezenwa Ekpendu of the Nigeria Prison Service (NPS) who retired today from the service comes from the Imo state South-east region.

It was also gathered that the Immigration CG ought to have retired since last year December but lobbied his way back to the seat.

It was learnt that the decision to sack the Abeshi has been a welcome development to some of the DCGs and the ACGs who were said to have been denied opportunity to rise as a result of Abeshi’s continuity in office.

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