BREAKING: So Sad! Mayowa of #SaveMayowa Dies At Last | News Proof

BREAKING: So Sad! Mayowa of #SaveMayowa Dies At Last

BREAKING: So Sad! Mayowa of #SaveMayowa Dies At Last
Mayowa Ahmed, the victim in the viral #SaveMayowa is dead, report according to Naij News suggests

Nollywood actress, Toyin Aimakhu had drawn nationwide attention to Mayowa after she solicited funds from Nigerians for her surgery. Toyin had visited Mayowa at the Lagos state University Teaching Hospital, Idi Araba where she was admitted and being treated for ovarian cancer.

After which an online campaign was launched to raise money for Mayowa and about N32million was raised. Things however, got twisted after reports surfaced that the #SaveMayowa initiative was a scam set up by her family.

Things were later cleared up after her family spoke up, denying the allegations.

She later travelled for her surgery abroad as many Nigerians prayed for her to become hale and hearty once more.
Reactions have already started pouring in following the news of her death.


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