Rio Olympic: Michael O’Reilly, An Irish Boxer Earns First Victim of Failed Drug Test | News Proof

Rio Olympic: Michael O’Reilly, An Irish Boxer Earns First Victim of Failed Drug Test

Irish Boxer Michael O'Reilly
An Irish Boxer, Michael O'Reilly who is just 23 years old has become the first athlete to fail a drug test at Rio Olympics after he was caught by a random drug test before his team flew to Brazil yesterday for the tournament. 

The Irish Amateur Boxing Federation confirmed that O'Reilly is temporarily suspended pending a full investigation.

Following his positive test he has the right as an athlete to request a B-sample. 

Michael has a week to clear his name before being struck out of the Olympic Games as his opening bout, a second-round fight as he is the third seed, is scheduled for next week Friday.

Michael O'Reilly was earlier in May fined £5,000 and sent home from an Olympic qualifying tournament in Turkey for bringing Irish boxing into disrepute, LIB posted this morning

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