Stop That Nonsense About Padding! It Is Forgery Simplicita, By Barr. Ibrahim Lawal | News Proof

Stop That Nonsense About Padding! It Is Forgery Simplicita, By Barr. Ibrahim Lawal

 Barr. Ibrahim Lawal
 Barr. Ibrahim Lawal,
Looking for Padding as a head of offence is a fantastic exercise in futility, the term is not a legal phrase, or a head of offence but a word in English Dictionary. The offence lies in the literal meaning of "padding".

The meaning of padding attracts the offence of official corruption, Abuse of office (under the EFCC Act)and other sundry offences recognized by our law.

Please check the meaning of padding, you will agree that it is forgery

If you say somebody slapped another, can you charge the person for slapping? No, you will charge such person for assault.

Next time, don't say padding, instead say forgery.

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