ALLEGED: Sokoto Alhaji Rapes, Impregnates This Little Orphan | News Proof

ALLEGED: Sokoto Alhaji Rapes, Impregnates This Little Orphan

ALLEGED: Sokoto Alhaji Rapes, Impregnates This Little Orphan
An under-aged girl, who is also an orphan from Birnin ruwa village in Sokoto state , has alleged that she was raped, impregnated and abandoned by one Alhaji Giwa who is also from the same village. 

According to a report, the Alhaji has denied being responsible for her pregnancy in a Sharia court in Sokoto. 

Read what was shared by Hope for Orphans Progress and Empowerment Initiative (HOPEI):

The story of this under-aged Maimuna, an orphan of Birnin ruwa village in Sokoto who was raped, impregnated and abandoned by one Alhaji Giwa of the same village as accused, is very touching. 

Maimuna who is 8 months pregnant, has nobody to cater for her pregnancy in this very young age. She is now helpless her father died since, and the person accused of impregnating her denied before the upper shari'a court in Sokoto, but Maimuna insisted that Alhaji Giwa as accused, was the only one who impregnated her.

The two witnesses from the same village have attested before the court that Alhaji Giwa even told them that he will take Maimuna to a specialist for abortion, but later changed his mind.

A child of a very poor family, Maimuna is in dire need of assistance from human right agencies because Alhaji, the person accused of impregnating her already hired a lawyer for the case.

HOPEI is sad to hear this touching story of Maimuna, we will assist in taking care of the victim up to the time she will put to bed, inshaa Allah. 

We will also join hands with any NGO wishing to fight for the injustice done to this orphan.

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