SHOCKER: 8yrs Old Girl Arrested Over Lesbianism | News Proof



SHOCKER: 8yrs Old Girl Arrested Over Lesbianism

SHOCKER: 8yrs Old Girls Arrested Over Lesbianism
The Uganda Police has reportedly arrested an 8 years old girl for allegedly involving in acts considered as lesbianism, media reports suggest.

She was arrested after her neighbour informed the police over her engagement of ‘romantic relationships’ with other girls. 

An officer at Jinja Police Child Family Protection unit, Catherine Wobuyaga, confirmed to Gay Star News that the girl had been arrested.

The neighbour claimed the eight-year-old had ‘lured’ other girls to a nearby farm and then performed ‘various sex acts with her fingers’.

‘The girl should be immediately and unconditionally released if she is still in detention,’ Victor Odero, Amnesty International’s East Africa Campaigner, told the Independent

‘What she needs is protection and respect for her privacy, rather than being treated as a criminal. The state’s responsibility here is to protect the child’s welfare, not to arrest her.’

Uganda has some of the most restrictive anti-LGBT laws in the world.

In February 2014, it legislated against the ‘promotion’ of homosexuality and knowing someone who had ‘committed’ a homosexual act and failing to report it to police.

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