SHOCKING Photos of Ogun Pastor TRANSFIXED At The Shrine While Razing It | News Proof

SHOCKING Photos of Ogun Pastor TRANSFIXED At The Shrine While Razing It

SHOCKING Photos of Ogun Pastor  TRANSFIXED At The Shrine While Razing It

It was gathered that the cleric was reported to have told his congregation that he had a revelation to destroy all the shrines in Ketu community.

After being found transfixed in the shrine, residents of the area raised the alarm, following which custodians of the shrines came to the place.

The priests insisted that they had to perform some rites before the cleric could regain his sense.

The rites were performed following the intervention of Alaye of Ayetoro, Oba Abdulaziz Adelakun, who appealed to the priests to ‘release’ him.

SHOCKING Photos of Ogun Pastor  TRANSFIXED At The Shrine While Razing It

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