10 quotes from President Goodluck Jonathan's speech at Oxford University | News Proof

10 quotes from President Goodluck Jonathan's speech at Oxford University

10 quotes from President Goodluck Jonathan's speech at Oxford University
  1. “What could a leader do to effectively lift a people out of the depths of poverty, and enable them to achieve prosperity? After much soul searching, I concluded that: wealth is a creation of the human mind properly prepared by education.”
  2. “Most violent crises in Africa can be traced to a lack of education and opportunities among its teeming youth population. The issue of youth entrepreneurship in Africa is very critical, as Africa is the only continent in which we will witness a population boom”
  3. “Any nation that does not spend its wealth and resources to develop the capacity of its youth will be forced to use them to fight insecurity.”
  4. “As a leader, you can decide through your policies to educate the youths, or face the consequences of failing to do so.” 
  5. “Despite incredible challenges, Nigerian youths are achieving great things and placing Nigeria positively in the world map. They inspire us. We identified Nollywood as a sector that can employ many young people and provided a grant of $200 million to boost the industry. As a result, Nollywood became a major contributor to our GDP and in 2014, the industry contributed 1.4% to our GDP”
  6. “Under my watch, Nigeria was projected by CNN Money to be the third fastest growing economy in the world for the year 2015. Nigeria was rated as the largest economy in Africa and the 23rd in the world by the World Bank and the IMF, with a GDP above US$570 billion. A growth that proved the truism that a nation's wealth is not underneath the ground but between the ears of her people.” 
  7. “As a leader, you need resources to develop your nation and sometimes you have to navigate through the competing interests of western powers.”
  8. “While serving as President of Nigeria, I worked for the next generation and not for the next elections. I have no regrets for what I did. Somebody must sacrifice and work for the next generation otherwise your children's children will suffer the same predicaments as you have.”
  9. “On the issue of corruption, you are aware that several matters are pending in court and I would not like to interfere with the legal processes. We reformed the institutions and introduced various mechanisms to stop the corruption problems in our country without publicity.” 
  10. “I urge contemporary African leaders to see youth entrepreneurship as a collective project transcending national boundaries.” 
Excerpted From Daily Trust

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