Aisha Buhari's CONTROVERSIAL Interview: Presidency PANICS As BBC Blow Hot Over Mounted Pressure To Seize Tape | News Proof

Aisha Buhari's CONTROVERSIAL Interview: Presidency PANICS As BBC Blow Hot Over Mounted Pressure To Seize Tape

The Presidency is said to be unsettled as the British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC has vowed to air the controversial interview it granted the President's wife, Aisha Buhari few days ago.

As pressure continues to mount for BBC Hausa not to air the controversial interview Aisha Buhari granted it some days ago, the station has said only Mrs Buhari can stop them from airing the said interview.

DailyTrust reports that a source within the Abuja Bureau of the BBC revealed that a letter from the Presidency has been sent to it asking for the interview not to be aired.

The source also stated that the Speaker of the Hause of Representative, Yakubu Dogara, has also tried to informally persuade the BBC from airing the interview.

The source told Daily Trust that the network wouldn't backdown on its promise to air the interview as an independent media organisation. The source stressed that the only condition that can make the service not air the interview is for the interviewee, Aisha Buhari, to decide against it. Even in that case her voice recanting what she had said in the interview would be aired. 

Therefore, a part of the interview will be aired in the service's morning broadcast tomorrow. It will be aired in full on its programme, 'Gane Mini Hanya', on Saturday.

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