Thumb Up for Okoro, a Financially Prudent Supreme Court Judge in Nigeria!, By Adeola Soetan | News Proof

Thumb Up for Okoro, a Financially Prudent Supreme Court Judge in Nigeria!, By Adeola Soetan

Justice Nyang Okoro
With his open door policy of playing host to different high profile politicians/suspects bidding and negotiating for his favourable judgment, Justice Okoro (JSC) may not be a good example of the global perception of a morally upright incorruptible judge.

But it will be unfair to deny him the enviable quality of being a very prudent financial manager.

Or how does one describe a judge sleeping and waking up on top of money $24,000, £10, 000 and several millions of the evaporating Naira without touching the money for years if not prudence and rare quality of astute financial management.

Justice Okoro in his "Okoroic" defence on why he turned his residence to a "bulk room" where bulk money was found by DSS in his house during a late hour sting operation, said: "the $24,000 and £10,000 recovered in his house by the operatives was balance of the estacode he received on foreign trips for three years." - WONDERFUL!

This is what Fela Anikulapo - Kuti would describe as "WONDERFULUMENTI! WONDER!.

Honestly, if I had known that a financially "wonderfullment" judge like Okoro did exist in the judiciary, I would have started my daily contribution (what we call "AJO" in Yoruba land) with him long before now.

With Okoro's rare thrift disposition, I wonder why the CJN has not deemed it fit to establish before now the "Nigerian Judges Cooperative & Thrift Society" where judges will be "doing daily ajo" and make Justice Okoro head it because their money will be safe in his bulk room at his house.
Are you asking me how will judges do daily contribution when they are not daily wage earners?

Please ask check - point police men & women, custom, immigration at boarder posts, street LASTMA who are also monthly salary earners but they are regular high net worth daily contributors of money

As to whether My Lord Okoro is able to concentrate well when presiding in court or not because of his genuine fear that some thieves may burgle his residence and cart away his "unspent estacodes", I think the expertise of some psychologists need to be sought here to painfully psycho - analyse our justice Okoro, a supreme court judge as a profession but may be a banker by passion

I think we now see why Buhari's anti - corruption war should be given critical support instead of being merely derided.

Let the war continue please. Because if we pull "GBURU", "GBURU" will pull "IGBO" 

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