Meet Pius Ojemolon, UNIBEN's Medical Graduates Who Bagged 19 Awards | News Proof

Meet Pius Ojemolon, UNIBEN's Medical Graduates Who Bagged 19 Awards

Pius Ojemolon
Pius OjemolonPunch Newspaper - One of the 12,808 students who graduated from University of Benin on Saturday grabbed the attention of Nigerians on the internet with his impressive performance.

Pius Ojemolon, a University of Benin medical graduate, bagged 19 awards at his university convocation on Saturday. The awards include school sponsored Best graduating student in pathology, Best graduating student in pharmacology, Best graduating student in community health, Best graduating student in obstetrics and gynaecology, Best graduating student in internal medicine, Best graduating student in surgery, Best graduating student in the School of Medicine and others sponsored by groups and individuals.

Saturday was not the first time Ojemolon would win the admiration of his lecturers, colleagues and Nigerians. In 2015, he was awarded the Most Outstanding Medical Student for his ground-breaking distinction in the third professional Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) in Pathology and Clinical Pharmacology held in that year.

pius-ojemolon2Ojemolon had his elementary education at Licia Private School, Ewah Road, Benin City, Edo State. He moved on to Convent Christian Academy, also in Benin City for his secondary school education.

About his source of inspiration the 23-year-old said: “God above all, then my parents, Mr and Mrs Pius Ojemolon. They have inspired me since I was a child and I’m eternally grateful to them.”

Being an avid sports lover, whenever he is not studying his medical books, he is busy analysing sports on ‘’, a sports platform he co-founded with three of his friends.

“The next step now is Housemanship,” said Ojemolon, who described himself as always thinking out of the box, weirdly imaginative but driven and motivated. He hopes to begin that in the nearest future.

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