SHOCKING Video, Photos Of Adulterous Woman Stuck Together With Lover On Bed During Sex | News Proof



SHOCKING Video, Photos Of Adulterous Woman Stuck Together With Lover On Bed During Sex

Aduterous Woman Stuck Together With Lover On Bed During Sex
A married woman in Kisii town of Kenya who is said have been cheating on her husband with a man living in their neighborhood got stuck in bed after her husband visited a witch doctor and collected some concoction to arrest the development.

It was reported that the woman left her home yesterday to visit her lover not knowing her husband  heard her about her escapade and had gotten charms from a witch doctor residing in the area.

According to K24TV, while they were having sex, they got stuck and couldn’t stand up or move away from each other, prompting them to start shouting for help.

The community gathered and carried them with the mattress.

They were told by the woman’s husband to take them to the witch doctor who gave him the charms as she was the only one that could separate them.

On getting to there, the woman requested for some amount of money for rituals to be performed, but the man had no money readily on ground to pay.

Aduterous Woman Stuck Together With Lover On Bed During Sex

Aduterous Woman Stuck Together With Lover On Bed During Sex

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Source: k24TV

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