The Moment Giant Snake Drops From Ceiling In Restaurant (Watch Video) | News Proof



The Moment Giant Snake Drops From Ceiling In Restaurant (Watch Video)

The Moment Giant Snake Drops From Ceiling In Restaurant (Watch Video)
Metro UK - Dozens of diners were forced to cut their dinner short after a giant snake suddenly dropped from the ceiling and landed on their table.

The absolutely terrifying reptile somehow managed to emerge out of the ceiling tiles by slithering through a hole.

Shocking footage shows the diners sat below looking visibly scared as a team of wildlife experts enter the building.

The snake is then controlled by using a metal hook on its head.

It is not clear where the footage was filmed but it has been widely shared on a few video sites where it’s racked up several thousand views.

This is the second time in the past week that a video of a poisonous snake has sparked panic in an enclosed area.

Passengers travelling to Mexico City were given the biggest fright when a five-foot long green viper dropped from an overhead compartment on the plane mid-flight.

The plane’s pilot was reportedly given permission to make a priority landing when he reached his destination and animal control experts were called so that they could remove the reptile.

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