US Election: Prophet TB Joshua Predicts Winner, You'll Be Shocked | News Proof

US Election: Prophet TB Joshua Predicts Winner, You'll Be Shocked

Prophet TB Joshua
The popular Nigeria, but world renown Pastor, Prophet TB Joshua has  has predicted that the Democrat candidate, Hillary Clinton, will emerge victorious ahead of the Republican candidate, Donald Trump barely 48 hours to the US Presidential election

TB Joshua is the General Overseer of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN).

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According to CurrebtNewsNow, Joshua said and was quoted thus:

“Ten days ago, I saw the new President of America with a narrow win. “The new President will be facing several challenges over many issues, including: passing bills, attempts to possibly pass a vote of no confidence on the new President.
“The boat of the new President will be rocked. “By the way, in order not to keep you in suspense, what I frankly saw is a woman.”

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