USA Decides 2016: Hillary Clinton Remains The Better Qualified Candidate, by Adedayo Osho | News Proof



USA Decides 2016: Hillary Clinton Remains The Better Qualified Candidate, by Adedayo Osho

Hillary Clinton
Until her exit as Secretary of State in February 2013, Hillary Clinton has been one of American women-politician who displays rare breed of intellect. Beyond patriotic service, or the empathy to protect [American] national pride, her intent to run for US Presidency in 2016 may no doubt, largely be tied to attendant prestige accrued to power, or the utilisation of same.

Political historians proved that the history of human existence and the species' urge for power has been overshadowed by the crave to influence the system, and by extension, the society. The author's assertion applies to political-hustler world over.

One can predict dynamics of power-play by those who once occupy political office[s] under given regimes; newly entrant power-grabber and actors long relegated to mere spectators if elected possess the tendency to drive hitherto prosperous nations into teeter. When you combine Hillary Clinton's previous experience at the corridor of power in various sensitive political offices; how she piloted American foreign policy, integrating continents to embrace US as a friendly partner in progress; her assiduous effort to enact health care plan; and despite obvious lacuna in effecting lasting peace in Libya, her commitment to key the US so as to cultivate deeper investment in Africa, then she is the next answer for Blacks in US.

More recently, I have had to distance myself from anything Donald Trump. This was informed by his many reckless statements ranging from anti-Islam, lack of respect for the female demography, and his ailing utterances about Mexicans and Black race at large living on the soil of USA. When in history has religion, race and gender become pronounced by any enlightened American candidate running for its Presidency?

Questions have been around Trump's background. Men with "brutal record and experiences" says, John Lander, "are prone to lead their nation to generational atrocities when elected" into position of authority. It is important to state that the Presidency of the USA is one of the greatest political offices in the world. It suffice to presume same deserve a scale of respect by h/er occupier.

Many countries in North America has become dependent on USA for financial assistance for long. For instance, in February 2015, the Obama administration asked Congress for $750 million of aid for Central America to improve on security, and squelch corruption. Will Donald Trump who is aiming to build a barbed-wire border to mitigate against inflow of Mexican immigrants bother to assist any American country in need, needless, Africa?

It is a very alarming development how well-schooled world citizens keep defending Donald Trump that he did not made such wreaking statements simply because they are becoming to hunt him as election day appears. Such is a tale of scholarship conspiracy, isn't? Also very embarrassing of the support for Trump, are African families who predominantly depend on foreign money transfers, the category of those who queue in front of Ria, Moneygram, Western Union, as seen all over banks. What will be your gain if Trump deport that relative of yours who does those transfers?

Because Lady Angela Merkel of Germany, the Chancellor of that largest European economy absorbed the largest number of Syrian refugees, one is made to concur without doubt that women do have sympathy and are best social-welfare inclined. This inform us to presume that Hillary Clinton may be sympathetic to countries-in-need.

A reprieve on impending war against Blacks and Muslims in USA is possible only if we can all stand behind a true democrat: Hillary Clinton.

Forget about that concocted "Email Scandal" instituted against Clinton, an accusation FBI can not publicly come out victorious. She remains the best, most qualified for the President of The United States [POTUS]. Even the most ethical human ruler is subject to inherent imperfection and propaganda.

Adedayo Osho is a political scientist, journalist, focusing on security, resource politics in Nigeria, Africa. Twitter: @Jahpolitical Email:

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