Before The Fireworks Begin, By Goke Butika | News Proof



Before The Fireworks Begin, By Goke Butika

As the 2016, the year of our Lord winding down gradually, the fear of unknown begins to envelope my heart for the state of Osun, as touching who will succeed Governor Rauf Aregbesola, the trailblazing administrator of note; the unusual governor with unusual record of achievement in office. My fear stems from the concern that the progress recorded in eight years by the Ijesha born political tactician must not be reversed.

As a political watcher and active political reporter, I have been around for quite a while to know the workings of the system as it obtains in my country, I know for a fact that anytime history repeats itself, the price doubles. Why won’t I have a fear, when I knew how the country was put in reversed gear based on the dismantling of system Olusegun Obasanjo administration left behind by the late President Umar Yar Adu’a? we found ourselves as citizens in the “begin again race” when the contractors who were fixed by Obasanjo fled because of policy somersault.

Even though the administration of Goodluck Jonathan presented catalogue of monumental corruption to Nigerians, for the fact that he proceeded with policies and programmes of Yar Adu’a, the nation achieved relative stability in economy and quality of life of the people did not decline much. 

However, it is belabouring the obvious that President Muhammadu Buhari is a moral figure, but the policy somersault witnessed in the last few months reversed the fortune of the nation on economy, and the resultant effect is the declining quality of life.

In fairness to Aregbesola, his milestone in governance and creativity is yet to be equaled. The governor with Spartan life began his administration from intangible feats-rebranding the state identity through adopted Western region anthem, flag and crest of code which depict the nature of the people of the state. Of course, it was controversial, all new ideas are controversial, except the narrative is told with all-inclusive device, but beyond the machination of the opposition, the rebranding has come to stay.

The ‘O’ concept initiated by Aregbesola- O-yes, O-Road, O’school, O-meal, O-Reap, O-Ambulance are programmes that could not be reversed, rather, his successor may leverage on the gains recorded in those areas and others to reform, rejuvenate and repackage for better delivery without denying the great governor his credit. You may not like Aregbesola’s face, but it would be ungodly to deny that he constructed more durable roads both at local and state trunks than all previous administrations before him, and it is on record that he constructed more bridges within the space of six years.

Traducers may pick bones with Aregbesola on teachers ‘performance index, but the worst of his enemies would not deny the fact that he invested heavily on educational infrastructure than the almighty federal government and 25 states combined; while Aregbesola’s security architecture is second to none in the federation, for Osun still remains the only state where the bank robbers could not escape alive with their loot. I attest to the fact that the peace and tranquility in the state come with a price.

Let us commend the governor who has waged war against cheap death through the prompt ambulance service; who has introduced free school feeding system which has attracted the attention of the federal government, while he shows concern for the unemployed. These are the laudable programmes the opposition are fighting, but have no credible alternative to, and it would be unfair to deny the exemplary leadership of this quintessential Communist bent governor with novel ideas.

However, the opposition must be heard too on some issues they were struggling to present, but only the credible opposition must be heard. Unfortunately, the there is no organized and credible opposition in the state, though we have one man riot who appears to be laboring for attention. This is a minus to democracy in developing nation, and once that choice is not available on moral ground; then it beholds on us to partake in the process of who will success Aregbesola, the ground breaker.
2017 would be interesting, because the battle of successor would begin, and I would pray to God to allow reason to prevail in the political calculations and permutations of the state so that external forces would not come and destroy the legacies of this great man of history. Obviously, avoiding Ondo debacle and all-inclusive method are the credible ways to go. I am of opinion that when the push comes to shove, in the final analysis, Aregbesola, upon his sacrifice and hardwork must not neither be humiliated nor be left to the whims and caprices of the external aggressive forces who are on revenge mission.

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