Southern Zaria Crisis and Way forward to Peace. By Tijjani Bambale (ANAMA) | News Proof

Southern Zaria Crisis and Way forward to Peace. By Tijjani Bambale (ANAMA)

Southern Kaduna Killing
I believe that in the history of art and of thought there has always been at every living moment of culture a will to renewal, twenty years ago southern zaria ( Now Southern Kaduna) are loyal to our traditional leaders, then we are living in peace with them. This is not the prerogative of the last decade only. 

All history is nothing but a succession of crises -- of rupture, repudiation and resistance. When there is no crisis, there is stagnation, petrifaction and death. 

All thought, all art is aggressive.

Conflict is a great predicament in any human society, and most times, it is predictable. In fact, history indicates that conflict is an on-going process in human relations and may occur within and among groups and communities at anytime. 

In the case of Kaduna state, the frequency of religious conflicts in some part th has left adverse effects on the socio-economic polity of the people. In the course of these conflicts, Christians have at certain times, taken up weapons to attacks from the Muslims, claiming to do so in fighting their right. 

The root of most religious conflicts in Kaduna state is what could be classified as socio/political-economic issues that have continuously provoked conflicts between the minorities and their Hausa/Fulani neighbours. Government and religious leaders frequently appeal to this factor as the principal cause of the many religious crises that have plagued this part of Kaduna. An aspect of the socio-political factor in the Muslim- Christian conflicts in Kaduna state, internal colonialism and indigenousness. This refers to the dominance of indigenous minority tribes, who are mostly Christians by the majority Hausa/Fulani, majority of whom are Muslims. However, I observes that the resurgence of the cultural identity of the minority an indigenous ethnic groups in Kaduna state - who now resent… economic and political domination of the Hausa/Fulani, have also contributed to the crises.

Offering an explanation on the Zango-Kataf riot, an indigene, Yohanna Madaki,

argues that the cause of the riot was socio-political. In his words: "The main issue in this whole crisis is that of oppression. Boer (2004a) quoting Madaki alleges that the issue is that of internal colonialism which is being rejected… the outcry against domination is age-long and successive governments in the State have done nothing". His voice echoes that of many others who share the same view and the same reason is given as a primary cause for the 1991 Tafawa Balewa riots in Bauchi State and the Plateau riots of 2001,2002-2004,2009-2011.

Muslim and Christian leaders should endeavour to impress on their followers the teaching on the solidarity of humankind. This solidarity is couched in the common teachings of the two religions that all humanity, our religious and political ideologies notwithstanding,
have one source of existence-the creative act of God. This common existence ascribes to all humanity a common divine source. A recognition and active cultivation of this solidarity
will enhance regard for fellow human life, promote, tolerance and forgiveness. Speaking on the importance of forgiveness.
This culture of forgiveness must transcend words but reflected in social relationships and even influence government policies which may require putting in place social and physical
structures that symbolize such forgiveness and unity of decision to emphasize forgiveness father than retaliation. These occasions for religious admonitions should be reconciliatory in
nature and engender peace and cordiality amongst citizens towards development.

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