This Little Boy Wrapped In Carton And dropped In Lagos Drainage On Christmas Day | News Proof

This Little Boy Wrapped In Carton And dropped In Lagos Drainage On Christmas Day

This Little Boy Wrapped In Carton And dropped In Lagos Drainage On Christmas Day
A kid was cruelly dumped by a gutter in Yaba area of Lagos while being confined in a carton on Christmas Day.

Residents of the area spotted the strange incident as Nigerians celebrated the Yuletide.

According to a social media user named Bishop Etekamba Duke, the child, presumably around the age of two, was found in a carton in a gutter with plantain kept beside him for inexplicable reasons.

“People are wicked. How can you put your child in a carton beside plantain and drop inside a gutter?” he lamented.

The helpless boy wandered out of the carton into the road, which put him at the risk of being hit by a vehicle. He was later attended to by a Good Samaritan.

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