Watch Video of Female Fan Grabs R. Kelly's Penis Live On Stage | News Proof

Watch Video of Female Fan Grabs R. Kelly's Penis Live On Stage

Watch Video of Female Fan Grabs R. Kelly's Penis Live On Stage

A video posted by Zetbradaily NG 🇳🇬 (@zetbra) on 

A female fan of U.S sensational singer, R. Kelly, caused a stir at the weekend when she grabbed the singer’s manhood on stage during a live stage performance at the legendary Fox Theatre in Detroit.

The multi-award winning singer, who kicked off his ‘12 Nights of Christmas’ concert, had reportedly walked up to the female fan.

In an Instagram video, the ‘Ignition’ crooner’ sang along as he asked her to wipe his face, chin, tongue, everywhere, with a black towel, then he got up to continue singing when the fan grabbed a handful of his penis.

The singer seemed shocked as the crowd cheered the lady.


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