Pastor Adeboye's Shocking 2017 Prophecies | News Proof



Pastor Adeboye's Shocking 2017 Prophecies

General Overseer of the Redemmed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, has predicted that the downward trend of Nigeria’s economy will be halted this year, adding that a reversal will begin.

Giving his prediction during the night service before thousands of worshippers at the Redeemed Camp on the Lagos–Ibadan Expressway, he said on Nigeria: “2017 will be a year of surprises both for the oppressed and the oppressor. Surprise is a two edged sword

“Those deliberately making life difficult for the common man will be relocated. The downward plunge will slow down, stop and reversal will begin.”

For individuals, he predicted that. ”It will be a year of surprises. For prophets both true and false it will be a year of surprises. There will be quite a large number of weddings.  Soul winners will see their prophecies fulfilled almost as soon as they are uttered.”

His prediction on what will happen in the world this year is that “There will be surprises for many world governments. They are coming in twos: monster earthquakes, monster floods, hurricanes and typhoons, monster tornadoes and monster fire outbreaks.”

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