Photo of 'DEAD' Buhari Discussing With Gov. Amosun In London Goes Viral On Social Media | News Proof



Photo of 'DEAD' Buhari Discussing With Gov. Amosun In London Goes Viral On Social Media

Photo of 'DEAD' Buhari Discussing With Gov. Amosun In London Goes Viral On Social Media

Rumour-mongers have insisted all is not well with the President, but in a bid to quash the wicked rumor the President Photo in London was twitted on his official twitter handle.
Despite the above photo, the rumour peddler did not believe, but Some facebook users, staunch supporters of President Muhammadu Buhari shared the photo on facebook few hours ago.

Death is a necessary end of all God creature, no matter what, do not wish your fellow man dead, only God determines who dies. At time, fresh and greenish tree falls while the dried or withered one stands

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