US Military Unbans Soldiers To Wear Hijabs, Turbans, Beards; See Photo & Raw Copy Of Press Statement | News Proof

US Military Unbans Soldiers To Wear Hijabs, Turbans, Beards; See Photo & Raw Copy Of Press Statement

US Military Unbans Soldiers To Wear Hijabs, Turbans, Beards; See Photo & Raw Copy Of Press Statemet
A new directive by the United States Army has okayed the use of hijabs and turbans by servicemen and women for religious reasons. The directive also okayed beards and dreadlocks for soldiers.

The directive by the Secretary of the Army, Eric Fanning, however, stressed that the hairstyles must be uniform and neat.

According to The Atlantic, the new directive is largely in response to litigation and advocacy from Sikh servicemen who wear beards and turbans for religious reasons, and who wanted to be able to keep them while actively serving.

Noting that “the new regulations are a response to a long-standing issue within the military”, the report explained that over the years, military officers have regularly dealt with requests for religious exemptions to various rules.

After several servicemen sued the Army for refusing to allow them keep turbans and beards, the army, began conducting studies about the feasibility of broader exemptions, leading up to the directive.

See bellow The Directive By US Military Authority

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