Group warns UNICAL Ex-Bursar to stop blackmailing constituted authority | News Proof

Group warns UNICAL Ex-Bursar to stop blackmailing constituted authority

Peter Agi
Peter Agi
A Civil society group, the Centre for Social Justice, Equity and Transparency (CESJET)has warned those it said are attempting to destroy the peace at the University of Calabar to desist from doing so or risk being exposed.

The group accused the ex-bursar of the institution, Mr Peter Agi of being behind various attempts to blackmail the University's constituted authority after he was fired for alleged corruption.

Addressing a press conference in Abuja, CESJET Executive Director, Joyce Adamu said the ex-bursar should hide his face in shame after being disgraced for his numerous underhand dealings that took the righteous posture of the current Vice Chancellor and the Governing Council to expose.

She said there have recently been reports that some persons are mobilizing hoodlums for the purpose of posing as protesting students of the UNICAL to cause mayhem.

According to her, these fake protesters will then proceed to cause maximum damage to infrastructure at the university while also attacking the genuine students if they should dare question the destruction of their institution.

She said the plot may not be unconnected with the embattled former bursar of the university, Mr. Peter Agi, who has remained bitter after being relieved of his post over corruption related charges.

She said, "He is a confused man who has soiled his hands with public funds and afraid of approaching equity since his hands are clean. 

He should face the Police in Calabar to explain his complicity in the criminal allegations leveled against him before a competent court.

"His recent attempt to blackmail the leadership of University to us is an attempt to divert attention from his unholy acts which set both students and members of the institution on a collision course with Mr. Agi's ego and penchant for mischief which is known everywhere in the University.

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