Secret Love Scandals: Apostle Suleiman Threatens To Dismiss Church Members, Brands Them Demons ..Watch Video Here | News Proof

Secret Love Scandals: Apostle Suleiman Threatens To Dismiss Church Members, Brands Them Demons ..Watch Video Here

Apostle Suleiman and Otobo
The Senior Pastor of the Omega Fire Ministries, OFM, Apostle Johnson Suleman, has threatened to dismiss members of his church who do not believe in him over the sexual allegations labeled against him,

The fiery Edo-born preacher during a church service described some of his members who don’t believe he is innocent as “demons.”

Th clergyman said, “There are things when Christians hear, I am sorry to say that even some members of this our church, they are having double minds.

“Members here, please mark those members, if they are in departments remove them, because those are demons. You see me every day and somebody can tell you certain things?”

Recall that a Canada-based Nigerian singer, Stephanie Otobo had recently accused the Pastor of impregnating and abandoning her.

Following her initial allegation against the preacher, the Canadian based singer has continued to release more intimidating details about her alleged romance with Suleman.

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