Aidoko Congratulates The People Of Kogi Over Choice Of Prof. Stephen Ocheni As Minister | News Proof



Aidoko Congratulates The People Of Kogi Over Choice Of Prof. Stephen Ocheni As Minister

Professor Stephen ocheni
Senator representing Kogi east at the red chamber, Atai Aidoko Ali has felicitated with Kogi people on the appointment and confirmation by the senate, Professor Stephen ocheni as minister of the federal republic of Nigeria

A statement issued by the media office described the new minister as a brand new technocrat and academician with proven professional and academic pedigree urging the people of kogi to rally round him

SDGs senate committee chairman expressed gratitude to the Buhari led administration for replacing their own in spite series of political fireworks in the last one year since the demise of the former minister, James Enejo Ocholi

Senator Aidoko urged the people of the state to close rank and extend necessary support to the new minister to enable him succeed in the task of rebuilding the country instead of fanning unnecessary embers of discord which will not augur well for the development of the state

The statement advised ‎the new minister to quickly settle down and kick the ground running so as to attract and achieve the desired results to the Nigeria project to enable it move out of the current economic recession

The ranking senator thanked the entire state and the people of kogii east for their unwavering agitations that culminated ‎into the appointment of the minister, Professor Stephen Ocheni

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