Akande: Group tackles faceless northern groups | News Proof



Akande: Group tackles faceless northern groups

● Urges party to always speak up in the interest of APC, Nigeria

Bisi Akande
A socio political group, Asiwaju Grassroots Foundation, on Sunday lambasted faceless groups bent on causing acrimonious relationship among top hierarchy of the governing All Progressive Congress, warning them to desist henceforth.

Speaking through its National Coordinator, Comrade Adeleye in Ado-Ekiti, AGF urged well-meaning Nigerians to ignore the rants of the unidentified groups whose mandate was to carry out one-day hatchet job within the party.

The group expressed concern at the rate groups spring up in the region just to issue statement only to fizzle out thereafter. 

"After careful investigations, we can reliably gather that these are beer parlour gossips and fairweather political jobbers whose lifeline depends sorely on devilish political sponsorship to malign our party's national leader, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu and other prominent leaders in Yoruba land.

"We want Nigerians to know that sponsors of these faceless groups only hide under the recent press statement credited to the former chairman on the APC, Chief Bisi Akande in relaunching their shameless calumny campaign betraying their hatred for the truth within the same political family."

The group said Akande reserves the moral right to advice the leadership of the country and speak up against perceived wrongdoing within the system he laboured so much to put together before it would become a moral burden on him.

"One thing they fail to understand is that the major obstacle against 16 years of PDP's misrule was lack of internal but objective criticisms that would have directed the conscience of the party aright while it lasted. 

AGF described the antics of these groups as preconceived to cause "a total barrier between our principal Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and President Muhammadu Buhari in order to take over the house they were not part of its build-up." 

Adeleye further warned those behind the groups to come out of their hiding to address press conference and reveal their identities or desist to avoid embarrassment; saying information at its disposal revealed that sponsors of the veiled groups are beneficiaries of the duo of Tinubu and Akande as regular visitors to Bourdilon and Ila-Orangun".

"As a movement within the APC with commanding membership cutting across all the state of the Federation, we are call on the leadership of our great party to always speak truth to those in Government power in the interest of Nigeria and the party.

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