Nigerian Military Conquering Insurgents With Intelligence, Transparency - Foreign Organization | News Proof



Nigerian Military Conquering Insurgents With Intelligence, Transparency - Foreign Organization

The Nigerian military has been able to sustain its victory over insurgency due to its highest level of transparency and intelligence, report by the Global Amnesty Watch has shown.

GAW, a non-governmental organization that monitors the conduct of military, defence and security forces in combating crimes globally made this known at the presentation of the Mid Term Report on Nigeria's Counter-Insurgency War held in Abuja on Tuesday.

The report was presented by GAW its research partner, the Center for International and Strategic Studies, Abuja.

Speaking at the presentation, Tom John Lever, Global Amnesty Watch Representative on African Affairs, noted that in the period under review, "the Nigerian military has been able to record remarkable progress on the strength of its transparent and accountable conduct in financial resources by the Nigerian military hierarchy.

John, however admitted that more can still be done to accelerate driving Boko Haram into extinction.

He said,  "GAW has closely monitored the period preceding the current administration, its military operations against the Boko Haram insurgency, the humanitarian and internal displacement from the crisis, and government efforts to curtail all these, has compiled its Mid Term Report on Nigeria's Counter-Insurgency War.

"To achieve this, the Global Amnesty Watch works with indigenous NGOs in Nigeria, which has allowed unprecedented access top subject areas, which would have been impossible in the absence of such symbiotic collaboration

The GAW executive also revealed that from its finding, the military operation in the northeast has successfully liberated the towns and villages that came under the control of insurgents.

He added that no fewer that 11,000 persons have so far been rescued from Boko Haram den on the basis of military inteligence.

"A first batch of 21 Chibok Girls have been freed followed six months later with another 82 of the girls freed. The terrorists are being pressured to free the remaining girls. As at May 2017, 11,894 other hostages of the terror group had been freed.  Hundreds of other hostages have been freed in the period since then.

"Several Boko Haram fighters with their commanders (amir) have surrendered, been captured or killed. Many others fled underground and are hiding among civilian population and in refugee camps.
"The Nigerian Army opened a Human Rights Desk in October 2016 and this contributed immensely to adherence and compliance with rules of engagement.
In December of 2016 Camp Zero, Boko Haram's former operational base was taken effectively marking the end of terrorists having a structured physical base. The same area from where the terrorists hatched their evil is now the Colonel Ali Shooting Range.

"The US government, which earlier blocked sales of arms and hardware to Nigeria has softened its stance and the embargo has been lifted. The deal for the sale of A29 Super Tucano aircrafts to Nigeria's military is a direct outcome of the notable changes the world has seen both in the improved due diligence that eradicate corruption in military procurement and improved human rights records that meet international standards."

The highly revered group also recommended that the government, particularly the Nigerian Army and by extension the entire military, must continue to do the needful to ensure that the civilian population remain protected from insurgent.

Also speaking at the presentation of the report, Prof Shuaib Ahmed Danfulani, director CISS, said in addition to the sale of  A29 Super Tucano Aircraft to the Nigerian military granted by president Trump of the USA, the Nigerian military stands to access more level-funding and support from other world leaders to drive Boko Haram into extinction if this level of transparency in the military sector is sustained.

He added that the corrupt-free military is the beginning of any great nation in the world like the Nigerian military hierarchy has exhibited.

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