Coup Plot To Oust Buhari: NFD faults Air Force over silence on alleged alliance with politicians | News Proof



Coup Plot To Oust Buhari: NFD faults Air Force over silence on alleged alliance with politicians

AVM SB Abubakar
Posted By Dansu Peter

The National Forum for Democrats has described the silence of the Nigerian Airforce over the recent report of its unholy romance some politicians as ungolden.

Reports emerged recently that following their failed plan to use the Nigerian military to oust the current government, some politicians have now resorted to plan B.

The report alleged that some politicians have reportedly bought willing Air Force officers to use attack aircrafts in attacking other services of the military.

72 hours after the report hit the media, authorities of the NAF are yet to debunk or affirm the hearsay.

Speaking at a press coƱference on Monday, however, the National President of the group, Alhaji Gambo Danbatta said this statement became imperative following the failure of the NAF authority to react to the hearsay after almost 72 hours.

Danbatta said silence may just as well mean acquiescence as an allegation of this magnitude is scarcely what one would ignore without setting the record straight.

While condemning in strongest terms the alleged initial contact between the politicians and military officer and the reported PLAN B that is even more sinister and most irresponsible, the group’s leader said it is an evil plot to truncate Nigeria's democracy which no sane person should have contemplated in the first instance let alone scouting for willing participant to collaborate on.

He said, “We demand that the Nigerian Armed Forces carry out the necessary investigations to expose anti-democratic officers for the purpose of insulating our democracy against their adventure into the obscene. The Armed Forces must however go beyond identifying their officers involved in the plot as they must fish out the politicians that have been making the improper contacts and dishing out treasonable instructions to people that are engaged to keep the country safe from threats and aggression.

“The international community, supranational organizations and regional bodies like ECOWAS are invited to note this development. They must not allow things to degenerate before wading in. Now is the time to call the coup plotters to order as Nigerians, in accordance with internationally recognized values, would not accept or recognize any change in government that does not conform with our grand norm, which is the Constitution (as amended).

“We want to make it clear that any and make some serious warnings in that an friendly nation, supranational organizations and regional body that does not clearly warn coup plotters to keep off would be considered a collaboration nation that sanctioned the dismantling of our democracy. No nation on earth would tolerate what the coup plotters are up to so they cannot be silent with this going on in Nigeria.

“Our suggestion is that the Federal Government should take the necessary steps to get the reassurances of its allies and the supranational organizations to which it belongs. “

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