Ikorodu Badoo Brouhaha: My Story - Victim Mistaken For Badoo Cultist Narrates How He Was Almost Lynched To Death | News Proof



Ikorodu Badoo Brouhaha: My Story - Victim Mistaken For Badoo Cultist Narrates How He Was Almost Lynched To Death

Akinrinlade Ayodeji,
Akinrinlade Ayodeji
Photo Source: Facebook
In a typical mistaken identity and jungle justice which often characterized mob treatment of criminals in Lagos and other states in Nigeria, a victim narrates how he was almost lynched to death by angry mob in Ikorodu area where the dreaded cult group, Badoo are on rampage

The victim identified as Akinrinade Ayodeji who is a resident of Ikorodu in a post on Facebook narrated how hea was nearly killed mistaken him for Badoo cultist gang.

Recall the dreaded cult killer gang Badoo has brutally killed over 30 peoples in Ikorodu area of Lagos

In a FacebooAyodeji sharing his story on facebook said on Monday, July 3, he had returned home from work at about 5:21pm, and had taken a nap which lasted till 7:39pm.

On waking up, he discovered that he had no water, and decided to go get some water at a nearby tank.

To his surprise, he said, someone accosted him, demanding to know what he was doing in the streets at that hour of the day, with a jerry can.

“Hey hey! What are you coming here to do at this time?” Someone asked him; to which he said he replied, “Sorry sir, I am actually here to fetch some water.”

The person questioning him was rather uninterested in whatever explanation Ayodeji had, and dealt him a slap across the face.

He wrote: “Before I could finish explaining myself, I saw a very furious man and decided to just turn back to my house. But before I could take three steps forward, I just felt a big and several bangs on my face through the back.

“At this point, I was lost, wondering if the world was ending today.

“Immediately, I saw people gathered, asking in Yoruba, ‘Ki lo de, ki lo sele? (what happened, what’s going on).”

Unlike the gruesome fate that befell Chinedu, allegedly a comedian, who was lynched by a mob in Ikorodu last weekend on the suspicion that he and two other victims were Badoo cult members, Ayodeji had a distinct fortune of being identified by his neighbours, effectively saving him from being beaten to a coma and then roasted alive.

“To cut the long story short, people attested that they know me, even asking the said baba (his assailant), ‘Don’t you know him?’

“They all apologised after several slaps and molestation initially, then I just carried my gallon that someone else had helped fill with water, obviously out of pity, then walked towards my house, entered my room, put off my already tattered cloth, sat down and started imagining what just happened, hoping it was just a dream, behold, it wasn’t, it was real!” the obviously shaken Ayodeji wrote.

He added that a few minutes later while he was still busy pondering about what had just happened, he heard some voices at the entrance to his apartment.

When he opened the door, four elderly men that he suspected were landlords, alongside the man that had raised the false alarm and one of his neighbours, expressed deep apologies for what had just happened.

“They all said they were sorry for the ugly incident, with the man that punished me particularly holding me tight, just to show his level remorse.

“I almost shed tears at that point, but I had to be a man. I told them to take things easy, that two wrongs can never make a right,” Ayodeji wrote.

He confessed that though he told them that he was okay, the beating he received was severe, as several people slapped him repeatedly all at once, until someone identified him as a resident.

He recalled that his awful experience was reminiscent of that of a friend of his who was lynched by a mob last Sunday at Odongunyan, when the individual was suspected of being a Badoo cult member.

His Post on Facebook


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