IMPEACHMENT: Saraki, Osinbajo In All Night SECRET Eyeball-to-Eyeball Talks | News Proof



IMPEACHMENT: Saraki, Osinbajo In All Night SECRET Eyeball-to-Eyeball Talks

By Dansu Peter

Saraki and Osinbajo
The Acting President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo yesterday held a night meeting with the President of the Senate, Dr. Bukola Saraki, report according to The Nation Newspaper suggests

Our Source reported that the meeting was as a result of the negative reactions to some observations on the floor of the Senate.

The Senate President’s meeting with the Acting President, according to The Nation was based on “some developments that occurred in the Senate during the week, including the suspension of consideration of further nominations by the Executive in protest against the retention of the Acting Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission ( EFCC), Mr. Ibrahim Magu, and the consequent threats of impeachment by some Senators.

A source said: “The Senate President met with the Acting President. He actually came alone and without the paraphernalia of his office to underscore his commitment to rapprochement between the Executive and the National Assembly.

“Saraki took time to explain a few things to the Acting President, but the talks bordered on the clarification of a few misgivings, especially the rumour that he was planning to become the Acting President or instigating the Senate against the Presidency.

“He also took time to explain why the Senate wanted its resolutions respected in line with the principle of separation of powers.

“Above all, the session was actually frank.”

Findings made by our correspondent also showed that Thursday’s meeting between Osinbajo and Saraki was preceded by a visit the National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress ( APC), Chief John Odigie-Oyegun, paid the Acting President on Wednesday night.

Before his visit to Osinbajo, Odigie-Oyegun was said to have reached out to the Senate leadership, asking them to prevail on warring senators to tread softly so as not to plunge the nation into unnecessary crisis.

A government source said: “The APC National chairman came at a time the Acting President was about to have a meeting with a select group of government officials. He was asked to join the meeting, which bordered on the battle line drawn by the Senate.

“During the session, the APC National chairman said he had interacted with Saraki and advised the Senate leadership and Senators to ‘lie low’ and avoid anything capable that was capable of plunging the nation into crisis.

“Oyegun also said the APC could not understand why the party in power would be in opposition against itself.

“No one can say if Oyegun’s intervention was responsible for the visit of the Senate President to Osinbajo.”

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