Social Media User Leaks BIAFRA Currencies | News Proof



Social Media User Leaks BIAFRA Currencies

By News Punch

The love and quest for Biafra has continued to wax stronger in the hearts of the Indigenous People of Biafra( IPOB ), the latest of this expression was a  female member of the  took things a step further following a revelation she made on her Facebook page.

The young lady identified as Nmesoma James, shared pictures of some Biafran currency which she said she found among her grandfather’s collections. Nmesoma who calls herself ‘Ada Biafra’, flaunted the Biafran Pounds while confirming that she is ”proudly part of this evangelism”.

She wrote:
“Biafra has come to stay. No matter what them yarn. Just discovered this cash in our granddad’s collection…It’s purely biafran currency. Ada Biafra flexing her currency…Proudly part of this evangelism…#adabiafra #ourown”

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