There Is No God If Melaye Is Not Removed As Senator – Gov. Bello’s Aide, Onoja (Video) | News Proof



There Is No God If Melaye Is Not Removed As Senator – Gov. Bello’s Aide, Onoja (Video)

dino melaye and onoja

Edward Onoja, an aide to Kogi Governor Yahaya Bello,  has been reportedly caught on tape stating that if the controversial senator, Dino Melaye was not removed from the Senate before the end of June then there’s no God.

According to the videotape, Onoja is reported to have said: “There is somebody in Kogi State who called himself Sen. Dino that promised to bring me and my twin brother(Governor Bello) down, if by end of June he is not down in Kogi State then there is no God”.

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