Nigeria @ 57: G-57 Births; "It's Towards a Peaceful, United and Prosperous Nigeria" - Tom Iseghohi | News Proof

Nigeria @ 57: G-57 Births; "It's Towards a Peaceful, United and Prosperous Nigeria" - Tom Iseghohi

Tom Iseghohi
Tom Iseghohi 
Today marks the launch of The G-57, an association of 57 top Nigerian Executives from around the world. The group includes professionals and entrepreneurs committed to Nigeria's peace, unity and prosperity. 

Working with various stakeholders G-57 will help government and other critical stakeholders unleash the latent economic potential inherent in our human and natural resources. The G-57 Governing Board is chaired by Tom Iseghohi.

The Group has now attracted 600 like-minded Nigerian professionals with a followership of over 250,000 people in their collective personal capacities. 

Announcing G-57, Tom Iseghohi stated that “it is auspicious to announce the formation of the G-57 today, as a symbolic activity to mark our independence anniversary and as a commencement of the implementation of  practical initiatives designed to help all stakeholders in the Nigeria project experience the reversal of our unfortunate underperformance, as has been the case for far too long”..

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