Giant Strides of Prof Ozumba at UNN | News Proof

Giant Strides of Prof Ozumba at UNN

By Solomon Semaka

When Prof. Benjamin Chukwuma Ozumba was given the mantle of leadership at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) as vice chancellor, on June 10, 2014 many were not in doubt that he was an example of ‘preparation meets opportunity’, a phrase attributed to Roman philosopher Seneca. His stellar antecedents as a medical doctor were assurance to those who have had contact with him and some who would learnt about his person that his appointment was a classical example of what the Legendary Bob Marley succinctly captured, ‘Who that cap fits, let him wear it’.

 These attributes became clearer when he reeled out a five-point agenda to drive the institution to an enviable height. He pledged to uphold positive values, follow due process, ensure absolute discipline; transparency and accountability in discharge of duties to guild his administration.

Perhaps, these are the needed values to guarantee a serene environment appropriate for learning and research to take place. The Nigeria University system has over the years been characterised by acrimony in the running of its affairs as it has witnessed series of rifts between the various unions, students and the authorities.

Three years down the line, it is obvious that the renowned professor of gynecology has kept to his promises as awards and recommendations continue to pour in both within the University community and outside.

Notable amongst the recognitions is the Kwame Nkrumah Africa Leadership Award in Education, Medicine and Societal Development recently conferred on the University administrator.

Conferring the award on Ozumba, the acting Speaker of the All-Africa Students Union (AASU) Congress, Ambassador Armstrong Ovie-Afabor, said Ozumba was chosen because of “his outstanding administrative records as vice chancellor and his stellar antecedents as a medical doctor,” in general and specialised fields as well as administration and management.”

He explained that the vice chancellor “is the kind of leader many nations in Africa are yearning and asking for,” adding that the aim of the award was to promote excellence among African leaders and project them as role models to the younger generation.

Prior to the coming onboard of Prof. Ozumba in 2014, the administration of the university was relatively unstable as there was no love lost between the former Governing Council. Today; the university is enjoying relative peace with all its components thereby creating a conducive atmosphere for academic activities to thrive.

This seeming peace did not just happen, the erudite Professor aware the ingredient required for staff to function effectively cleared all areas of salaries owed staff. He immediately set up machinery to ensure that all deserving staff are appropriately promoted. Members of staff have been given opportunity to go for further training overseas and locally.

To effectively actualise his vision, the renowned professor of gynecology, swiftly established new institutes required to drive his vision. Amongst the institutes established is the Institute of Climate change, Institute of Herbal Medicine, Institute of Molecular Medicine etc. Also established is a brand new Faculty of Vocational/Technical Education, the only one in the country in addition to many new departments. For Prof. Ozumba, these new creations are avenue for intellectual improvement as well as skill acquisition for job creation. In terms of academic excellence, University of Nigeria, Nsukka has been consistently ranked number one in the past three years of his stewardship by Wold Webometric to have excelled both at local and international level.

Student’s welfare has also enjoyed the touch of the Physician turn administrator as the academic calendar in the institution now runs full cycle. There is no interruption.  Students now graduate when they are supposed to graduate. This is a mark of good administration.

As one whose background is trained to protect lives, the Vice Chancellor has placed premium on the security of lives in the institution. The administration has zero tolerance for cultism and corruption. In fact, such cases are almost non-existent there. Prior to this administration, the school was known as centre for study on corruption. That was how bad the school had gone then. But today, the story is different. We have not had cases of cultism since the Prof Ozumba assumed office.

In compliance with the popular saying that all works and no play makes a student a cultist, the institution has prioritise sports and other extracurricular activities. The institution has participated in West African University Games and won medals. The university has also participated in NUGA games and won tremendous metals.

The administration of Prof Ozumba has gone a little further by establishing poultry, aquaculture and piggery etc to boost agricultural prowess of the University. This is the institution’s modest way of ensuring food security in the country. Recently, the university launched Nigeria Incubation Hub, Roar Nigeria, whose mission is to create home-grown technology solutions with global impact, and would help in diversifying Nigerian economy.

The institution under the present leadership has acquired new medical equipment in heer medical centre for installation. The pharmaceutical centre and the Biotechnology Centre have been completed. New buildings in the medical centre are also near completion.

Prior to this time, there was no Internet access in some hostels, but all that is forgotten as the present administration understands clearly the role of super internet high-way in today’s world. Today, everywhere in the University has access to Internet.

The administration Prof. Benjamin Chukwuma Ozumba is one the best things that has happened to the University of Nigeria. The revolution that has taken place under his watch no doubt places the institution on the map of world centre for academic excellence . Solomon Semaka is a public affairs commentator and lives in Istanbul Turkey.

Semaka writes from Istanbul, Turkey.

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