Deplorable Infrastructures In Badagry: United Voice of Badagry People Initiative Writes Open Letter to Gov. Akinwunmi Ambode | News Proof

Deplorable Infrastructures In Badagry: United Voice of Badagry People Initiative Writes Open Letter to Gov. Akinwunmi Ambode

Posted By Dansu Peter

Akinwunmi Ambode
May 29, 2018

His Excellency Akinwunmi Ambode
Executive Governor of Lagos State
Governor’s Office
Alausa Secretariat
Lagos State, Nigeria

Dear Governor Akinwunmi Ambode,

Re: An Appeal to Accelerate Development in Badagry

Thank you for your continued endeavour, hard work and commitment to make Lagos a better place. However, many Badagrians are unhappy with the slow progress and reluctance in Badagary development. 

Kuton Abayomi Nunayon, a Badagrian resident, laments: “I marvelled at the extent of infrastructural development visible to the blind. I almost missed the LASU road as the dualization blurred my vision. Right from the Abraham Adesanya end of the road down to Epe Town, the road was well tarred with countable and few potholes. What’s the state of the Lagos-Badagry express road? Deplorable. Disrepair. An eye sore. Absolute neglect. Thousands of man hours and billions of naira lost daily. We've not even counted lives lost and we've not added other negative costs”.

We are confident you recall the open letter we wrote to you dated June 1, 2016 ( Yet, two years on, these concerns have not been met. And worse, we believe that all Badagrians share Mr Abayomi’s impassioned sentiments.

Badagry is a historic town with rich ancient heritage. Many Nigerians share the belief that Badagry has huge economic potential if explored in the right manner. For Mr Abayomi, he states, “All things being equal and I stand to be corrected, Badagry is richer than all other local governments put together in terms of economic viability. I believe as a seasoned accountant per excellence, you will understand the economic advantage of Badagry over some local governments, if not all. Badagry is an international gateway to the West African region. First storey building. Slave markets. Point of no return site. Agia tree site…Tourism can fetch billions of dollars in forex if properly harnessed. [And what about] agriculture, crude oil.”

There is a popular adage: a word is enough to the wise. For some, it suggests that a warning is enough and they will stop or not start an unwanted action. However, other people do not know when to quit. They do not take the hint and then suffer the consequences of their actions.

Governor Akinwunmi Ambode: a word is enough to the wise. Badagry is our town, Lagos is our state and Nigeria is our country. We humbly appeal to you to act now and develop Badagry without further delay. We do not want negligence to affect future generations. Please act now and help your people. 

We hope to receive a favourable reply to our letter.

Yours Sincerely,
United Voice of Badagry People Initiative

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