Benue's Young Lady-Philanthropist, Doris Uva Launches "End Hunger" Initiative In Makurdi | News Proof



Benue's Young Lady-Philanthropist, Doris Uva Launches "End Hunger" Initiative In Makurdi

Doris Uva Foundation (DUF)
Doris Uva, a young lady-philanthropist in Benue, through her foundation, Doris Uva Foundation (DUF) yesterday launched a campaign christened "End Hunger" in Makurdi, the Benue State capital.

The campaign was launched at the Initiative for the Empowerment of Vulnerable People in the Society.

The Benue State Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Hon. Hyacinth Inyakuma was the special guest of honour.

Mrs Doris Doosuur Uva, the Founder/CEO of DUF welcomes all beneficiaries  of the NGO and invited quests to the event followed by her speech. She stated that "End Hunger" campaign became necessary because of the current challenges and various attacks faced by farmers and others in the rural communities which have led to the distruction of lives and property and rendering many homeless. 

She said bags of rice and other items would be distributed to over 2000 beneficiaries which would be done in batches beginning with the first batch yesterday which over 700 bags of rice were distribution. She called for more support for and collaboration with Doris Uva Foundation (DUF) for more lives to be touched. 

Before the distribution began, the Benue State Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources commissioned the "End Hunger" campaign by cutting of tape for the distribution to begin. 

Mrs Rebecca M. Afatyo, the Founder/CEO of Initiative for the Empowerment of Vulnerable People in the Society, former State Coordinator of Benue Local Empowerment and Environmental Management Project (LEEMP) and former General Manager of Community and Social Development Agency Board (CSDP) welcomes the commissioner for devoting his time to attend the event. She appreciates Mrs Uva for being a woman who has proven beyond resealable doubt that she  can manage finances very well and lead people effectively as she did in the Initiative for the Empowerment of Vulnerable People in the Society before establishing her own NGO. 

She made it clear that the distribution of the rice would not be a permanent thing for the beneficiaries but only temporarily as next events would be not to give them fish again but to teach them how to catch fish through various skills acquisition and empowerment training for them to become self-reliant. 

She urge the public to give Mrs Uva all the support she needs for her to continue to touch lives in Benue State and beyond. 

In his speech, Hon. Inyakuma says he was so happy for what he saw at the occasion. According to him, when Mrs Doris met him to be the special guest of honour to commission the End Hunger campaign, he almost treated the letter with unseriousness but was moved just to give it a trial and he came to see the great work Doris Uva Foundation has been doing. 

He said he will do his best not only as the commissioner of Agriculture and Natural Resources but also as an individual and as a farmer to give further support in future when the need arises. 

Mrs Doris thanked the commissioner for honouring her invitation and making the launching of the End Hunger a success. 

She said Doris Uva Foundation (DUF) does not support any political party or campaign for any political candidate. That the foundation welcomes support, donations and collaboration from any individual regardless of political party, religion, denomination, etc, organisation or corporate body willing to support the vulnerable people in our communities through her foundation.

The foundation's volunteers such as Num Michael Sonter, Ujah Kator, Terfa Naswem, Monica Alumum, Terese Afatyo, Christiana, Emos among others made the event hitch-free.

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