Buhari: Stakeholders vow to unite against primordial sentiments to help President build on his good works | News Proof



Buhari: Stakeholders vow to unite against primordial sentiments to help President build on his good works

By Dansu Peter

Some well-meaning stakeholders have taken it upon themselves to promote President Muhammadu Buhari's incredible progress in the last four years amid endless propaganda from certain religious and tribal bigots causing unnecessary interference in governance .

This was contained in a communique tagged ‘Abuja Accord’ issued after a two-day conference organized by National Inter-Faith and Religious Organizations for Peace in collaboration with Civil Society Groups,

The communique was signed by leaders of these groups after thorough brainstorming.

They mutually agreed that the president's uncompromising leadership has spurred the country to greater heights.

“ The meeting resolved that the President Buhari-led Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) today has demonstrated a clear direction and focus on national re-engineering and recovery of Nigeria in the spheres of social revival, economic prosperity, security and anti-corruption sub-sectors. This deserves encouragement and espousal by all compatriots for him to go the proverbial extra mile,” it reads.

“ The Group noted the abundant evidences in the determination and commitment of the present government in its drive for peace,  unity, the indissolubility and indivisibility of Nigeria,  by fostering dialogue for  national cohesion on thorny issues like ethno-religious tolerance  and peaceful co-existence among Nigerians of different ethno-religious and political persuasions.

“ The parley noted with excitement the indelible imprints of the Buhari Presidency in hitherto neglected areas such as his ardent pursuit of food security and diversification of the economy through the promotion of mechanized agriculture and the soft loans to Nigerian farmers to boost robust agricultural engagements all over the county.

“ The increment in workers’ salaries with the President signing a New Minimum Wage Bill a fortnight ago and the expanding windows of the Social Investment Program (SIP) and the popular N-Power Jobs among many other similar schemes for the poorest of poor Nigerians are silent strategies of the administration in redistributing the country’s commonwealth, to majority of less privileged Nigerians, hitherto hijacked and concentrated in the hands of a few ruling elites.   

“ To this end, all Nigerians, old or young are prodded to consciously work in the direction of assisting the central and various state governments in implanting a boisterous agenda of   national cohesion, stability, peace and unity in all nooks and crannies of Nigeria.

“ These are only the firm pillars of a prosperous and burgeoning Nigeria.  We cannot wish otherwise because these are the tripods that will foster rapid growth and development; whilst we de-emphasize pushy ethnic and religious sentiments, with the personal idiosyncratic approach to national issues. We are first of all, Nigerians before members of any community in the country.

“ Nigerians should embrace the spirit and norm of ‘Live and Let’s Live,’ as a people and a nation with shared destiny, common history, culture and aspirations. There is the imperative for all Nigerians to realize that to war and war among us is destructive and anti-progress.

“ Abuja parley extremely frowned at recent comments from religious and traditional leaders which infused ethno-religious sentiments in the lobbying for the constitution of President Buhari’s next cabinet and the emergence of the leadership of the 9th National Assembly (NASS).

 Furthermore, the Abuja Accord also reached a resolution that all ethnic warlords and bigots who have identified the consistent castigation of security agencies as failing in taming insecurity in the country as their only noble duty to give peace a chance.

“ They are counseled to allow security agents do their jobs undistracted by the often influenced dishonest views they propagate to the disservice of Nigeria,” it added.

“ It was acknowledged that traditional rulers and ethnic champions have greater roles to play in quelling crises in their respective domains than mere open rebuke of heads of security agencies over perceived wrongs. The penchant of traditional/ethnic leaders in constant interference with the governance process is also detestable and should be discarded.

“ Going forward, the Abuja Accord has resolved that President Buhari must necessarily serve Nigerians an all-round hard working cabinet as he takes the oath of office for his second term on May 29, 2019.”

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