Benue Church Offers Scholarship To Indigent Undergraduate | News Proof



Benue Church Offers Scholarship To Indigent Undergraduate

By Segun Gbetoyon Amosu

The story of Dzungwe Daniel is one that affirms that the gold loses its glosses to the fire in order to obtain its shinnes and reveal its brightness. Waking up on the morning of Sunday, 28 July 2019, Daniel would never have thought that his day would end on lighter mood, and that songs of joy would be crowned kings in his mouth as he was offered scholarship and a cash prize of Two Hundred Thousand Naira by the ShelterOfGlory Ministries, Makurdi, Banue State.

Dzungwe Daniel is the tenth child of his family. Growing up in very humble family, Daniel noted financial hindrances to have been a major challenge to his family as he has swam in abject poverty, such that none of his other nine siblings ever experienced tertiary education. In the case of Daniel, he was to attain tertiary education as he sees education as the key to his breakthrough. After several to secure admission, he was finally admitted in the Benue State University to study Library and Information Science. Daniel noted that he was looking for a tenant in order to rent out his single room apartment in hope of raising money for acceptance and tuition fees before receiving help from a few persons.

Sharing the testimony of how God in His faithfulness has been using him (Daniel) as a point of contact for pleasant happenings in family, Pastor (Dr) King Omudu who is the Senior Pastor of  the ShelterOfGlory was moved by Daniel's testimony; his passion for education and his hunger for succes as he said "the boy wanted to rent out his room in order to raise his tuition fee but good enough, he has paid the money and still retain his apartment. He has broken a generational barrier and we will help him chase the devil away forever. ShelterOfGlory will pay his school fee for the next session and in the upper section, we believe in God that something will happen". The congregation decided to take it up by offering to pay for the last two sessions as a total of twovhundred thousand naira was raised in support of Daniel's education aside the already covered tuition fees.

In an interview with Segun Amosu who is a serving corps member in Benue State, Daniel said "I am short of words". With joy written all over his face, he expressed gratitude to God, Pastor (Dr) King Omudu and the entire members of ShelterOfGlory.

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